
Using Exercise To Increase Lifespan

Exercise remains the best tool to improve your mental, emotional, and physical health.  When done correctly, and most importantly, consistently these health benefits improve both a participant’s quality and quantity of life.  All other pills, supplements, medications, and online remedies pale in comparison to exercise.  While we certainly cannot control all the variables (disease, injury)...

Using Strength Training To Improve Flexibility

Flexibility or mobility work can be a large part of any injured patient’s recovery at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics.  In contrast, in a healthy population flexibility training should be one of the last things you spend time on each week because of its’ limited impact on injury prevention, health, or...

Crunchy Back During Upward Facing Dog In Yoga? Here’s How to Fix it.

By: Dr. Rani Helvey-Byers, PT, DPT, OCS Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) is a powerful backbend that strengthens the spine and opens the chest. However, for many practitioners, this pose can cause discomfort or even pain in the lower back. If you’ve ever felt strain in your lumbar spine while practicing this asana, you’re...

Climbing Overuse Injuries, Why?

By: John Crawley, PT, DPT, OCS Rock climbing, like all other sports, has risk factors that contribute to injury rates. Knowing what factors contribute to added injury risk can help participants build better training programs and potentially reduce future risk of injury. Luckily, researchers have begun to ask these questions and have made progress in...

No Differences In Muscle Strength Or Size Found Using Blood Flow Restriction After ACL Surgery

ACL injuries remain one of the most common sports injuries rehabilitated by Physical Therapists.  Athletes returning from ACL injury, treated either conservatively or surgically, face a difficult recovery period due to reduced agility, balance, power, mobility, and strength. Blood flow restriction (BFR) is a commonly used modality combined with exercise to improve muscle strength and...

Injuries In Youth Rock Climbers

By: John Crawley, PT, DPT, OCS Competitive youth climbing is a rapidly growing sport. With the large increase in indoor climbing gyms has come a significant increase in access to the sport of rock climbing. Many of these gyms have recreational and competitive youth programs that have led to a much larger exposure to the...

Reducing Pain Through Exercise

Exercise provides numerous positive effects to the participant.  The majority of the mental, physical, and emotional benefits are provided to the consistent participant who meets national exercise guidelines each week.  In addition, there are many short term benefits that are provided to even single bouts of exercise.  For example, the mental health benefits of taking...

Treating Yoga Butt

By: Robert Adams, PT, DPT, OCS In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices we often treat patients looking to improve pain and performance in their yoga practice.  “Yoga Butt” is a common issue in yoga where one experiences pain with forward folds and hamstring stretches. This condition is also known as a...

Running with Confidence: Managing Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) through Pelvic Floor Muscle Training

By: Chelsey Vasquez, PT, DPT, PRPC As a Boulder and Lafayette based Physical Therapist, I often work with runners who experience stress urinary incontinence (SUI)—the involuntary leakage of urine during high-impact activities like running. While this can be frustrating, the good news is that pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) can help manage and even eliminate...