
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information
Reducing Wrist Pain With Weight Bearing Positions

The ability to tolerate weight-bearing wrist extension is essential to many upper body exercises and activities. In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices we often see patients and athletes limited by pain in their hands and wrists. Wrist pain with weight-bearing can impact your ability to do push ups, arm balances, handstands,...

Yes, men have a pelvic floor too! At Mend in Boulder and Lafayette, our pelvic health specialists treat all male pelvic health concerns. Some signs of a male pelvic health dysfunction could include: Frequent urination Strong urge to urinate Delayed start of stream or disrupted stream Erectile dysfunction Chronic constipation Pain in genitals or rectum...

The Most Overlooked Area Of Your Exercise Prescription

I can remember meeting with a physician in the past about the tremendous health effects of exercise for his patients. He responded that the effects of exercise don’t last if the patient stops their program. Despite the irony found in his treatment approach using medications with short term effects to manage chronic diseases, I responded...

Low back pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit a Physical Therapist. At our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics, we effectively treat this condition with education, spinal manipulation, and exercise. This latter intervention has the greatest long-term effect on both existing symptoms and reducing the risk of recurrence. In the...

Is High Intensity Vigorous Exercise Safe in Pregnancy?

While the evidence has been clear that moderate intensity exercise is safe and beneficial in pregnancy, little has been researched on the safety of high intensity (>90% heart rate max) exercise in pregnancy. A new study in May 2023 has shed some new light on the matter and found vigorous exercise to be safe for...

How To Use A Vaginal Dilator For Painful Sex Or Penetration

Vaginal dilators are tools that help stretch and expand the vaginal introitus (or opening) and surrounding tissues. Dilators come in many shapes, sizes, and material types but all utilize the underlying strategy of desensitizing and stretching the tissue gradually and progressively. Most often dilators are prescribed for conditions that cause pain with vaginal penetration. Common...

What Causes Stress Fractures In Female Runners?

Running remains one of the most popular outdoor activities in Boulder County. Each day in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy offices we help runners return to full training and competition. Research has shown up to 90% of runners reports missing training or competition due to injury. Although most of the running injuries...