
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information
Should I Contract My Pelvic Floor While Jumping?

Quick answer: NO. Often what is seen clinically in those who experience urine leakage with something like walking, running, or jumping movements, is that these individuals will begin to clench and contract their pelvic floor during these activities to try to prevent leakage. While that seems to make logical sense, this technique often doesn’t solve...

5 Things Every Athlete Should Know About The Pelvic Floor

By now, you’ve probably heard of the “pelvic floor” as it is becoming a household term, but are you aware of how vital the pelvic floor is for our athletic success? The pelvic floor is the name given to the group of muscles, ligaments, fascia, and nerves that live in and around the bony pelvis....

Large Effect Sizes Supporting Exercise As A Treatment For Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions affecting Americans. Multiple treatment interventions can be utilized in the treatment of this diagnosis including medications and counseling/talk therapy. Exercise remains an underutilized intervention despite significant research supporting its use as part of a multi modal treatment approach for depression. Previous researchers have shown benefits...

Will Collagen Supplements Help With My Injury?

Supplements in general have fallen fall short of expectations with very few demonstrating any significant benefit beyond placebo. One of the. most common questions we currently receive on supplements in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics is on collagen. A key connective tissue in our body, that makes up the majority of...

How Do Step Cadence Changes Affect My Running?

In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we are often asked about cadence by our running clients and patients. A recent study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research examined the effect of cadence training on running economy in a group of well-trained female runners. The authors looked at the runners...

Which Squat Variation Is Best?

Squats are an integral part of lower body strength training and Physical Therapy from injury or surgery. At our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we also place emphasis on the importance of squats in helping reduce lower extremity injury. This exercise remains one of the foundations of exercise programs because of its’...

What are Bladder Norms?

Patients coming to pelvic health physical therapy often have abnormalities with the bladder or bowel habits. And often, if these habits have been around for a while, it is difficult for someone to know what is normal. So what is a ‘normal’ bladder like? Frequency -Voids aka peeing, should occur 5-8 times in 24 hours....