
Overhead Mobility For The CrossFit Athlete

By Dr. Ian Nay, PT DPT OCS Getting a barbell into a proper overhead position for movements such as the snatch and overhead squat can be difficult for many athletes; I know I personally struggled with this early on in my CrossFit career. The techniques described here are some of the best and proven methods...

Headache Treatments For The Athlete And Office Worker

By Dr. Ian Nay, PT DPT OCS Overview Headaches are extremely common in our population, especially in athletes and people who spend a lot of time on the computer or phone. Examples of athletes who may have these symptoms are football lineman who are looking up constantly, cyclists, CrossFitters and weightlifters who perform overhead motions...

Overtraining In Rock Climbing

By John Crawley, PT, DPT, OCS Overtraining syndrome (OTS) is a condition that arises from an imbalance between training, recovery, and the body’s ability to adapt. In the context of rock climbing, which is a demanding sport requiring strength, endurance, and mental acuity, recognizing the signs and symptoms of OTS can help to avoid injury...

Physical Activity Offsets Detrimental Health Impacts During Perimenopause

By Kristin Carpenter, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT The hormonal decline resulting from the menopausal transition (ie: perimenopause) is characterized by detrimental impacts on health including: increased cardiometabolic risk factors (insulin resistance, Type II diabetes, increased central adiposity, weight gain), reduced mental and physical health (depression, loss of lean muscle mass, reduced bone density and increased...

And Why They Work Dr. Rani Helvey-Byers, PT, DPT, OCS, RYT-500 Low back pain can be a debilitating condition that affects upwards of 619 million people globally, making it the leading cause of musculoskeletal disability worldwide [1]. Further, treating low back pain is expensive. Studies show the annual average cost spent on treating low back...

What Is The Best Predictor Of Longevity?

Quality of life and health span have joined lifespan as optimal goals for aging.  Lifespan describes living the years of your life at an optimal level of health and wellness vs. the gradual then steep decline that normally follows aging.  Losses in health span and normally associated with losses in physical independence. The low hanging...

Biceps vs. Impingement

By John Crawley, PT, DPT, OCS Hurt shoulder, what is it?  As athletes that use their arms to complete a wide range of movement patterns to ascend rock climbing walls, they are susceptible to developing shoulder related injuries. If you are finding it difficult to determine the exact cause of your shoulder pain, you are...

Why Do Older Adults Move Slower?

As we age many factors limit our ability to move as quickly as we used to including disease processes, medications, neurological changes, balance impairments, and importantly weakness.  Age related weakness is a major contributor to falls, less independent living, and lower quality of life in older adults.  Age related muscle loss begins for most adults...

By: John Crawley, PT, DPT, OCS Introduction Lateral elbow pain is a common complaint among rock climbers, often impacting performance and enjoyment of the sport. While several conditions can cause this discomfort, two primary culprits are wrist extensor tendinopathy and triceps referral pain. Distinguishing between these conditions is necessary for effective treatment and rehabilitation. In...