
What Exercise Intensity Is Best For Improving My VO2 Max?

One of our best measures of an individual’s fitness and overall physical health is the VO2 max.  This measurement allows us to determine the body’s ability to bring in and utilize oxygen during activity.  In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we often use heart rate or ratings of perceived exertion to...

How Often Should I Take A Break From Sitting?

As a country we have become more sedentary due to technological advances at work.  Allowing employees to sit and work from a computer work station for most of their day without requiring much standing, walking, or physical activity in the workplace.  Medical evidence continues to identify uninterrupted, long duration sitting is the most hazardous of...

The Association Between Urinary Incontinence And Future Hip Or Knee Replacement

A recent article published in February 2024 explores the correlation between urinary incontinence and the need for total hip and knee arthroplasty surgeries. The study, conducted by Jacob S. Budin and colleagues, investigates whether urinary incontinence acts as an independent risk factor for these surgeries. The researchers analyzed data from patients who underwent arthroplasty procedures...

What Are The Most Effective Treatments For Headache?

Headaches are one of the most common reasons patients seek care by a Physical Therapist.  In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices we have found optimal outcomes and fewer visits for treating many headaches types including cervicogenic headaches.  These headaches are driven from the neck (cervical spine) and cause pain referral to...

Can Weekend Warrior Exercise Patterns Reduce Disease Risk

Time continues to be the most common barrier to participants beginning or continuing an exercise program.  As adults look to balance work, family, and outside commitments exercise is often cut out of a weekly schedule.  If their weeks are limited some participants, the weekend warriors, try to achieve their fitness goals through two longer or...

Dry Needling Is Effective For Chronic Spinal Pain

In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we commonly see patients with back pain that have not improved with other Physical Therapy clinics.  Our Physical Therapists focus on the utilization of high level exercise, manual therapy, including spinal manipulation, and dry needling for the treatment of both acute and chronic low back...

Using Spinal Manipulation For Boulder Back Pain Patients

Spinal manipulation may be one of the oldest forms of treatment in medicine dating at least back to Hippocrates.  This intervention is most commonly performed by Physical Therapists, physicians, and chiropractors.  In our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics our Physical Therapists have advanced training in the utilization of manipulation for both the spine and...