
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information
Research Finds Lowest Healthcare Costs For Low Back Pain Associated With Seeing A Physical Therapist First

In Colorado patients have direct access to their Physical Therapist and do not require a physician referral to begin treatment.  This healthcare pathway is associated with improved health care outcomes and lower health costs compared to seeing a physician first.  Seeing a physician first has been associated with early imaging, specialist referrals, and medications which...

Can An ACL Tear Heal Without Surgery?

ACL injuries are one of the most common sports injuries seen in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics.  Previous research on this injury has questioned the utilization of surgery for every patient with an ACL tear due to many returning to full function with Physical Therapy alone.  Authors and researchers have questioned...

Improving Osteoporosis With Exercise

In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we commonly receive questions on the benefits of exercise on bone density. High intensity resistance training and impact training have been shown to improve indices of bone strength in postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density (Watson et al. 2018). High intensity resistance training and...

Reducing Knee Pain In Cyclists

Cycling is a very popular outdoor activity in Colorado and one of the most common reasons cyclists are seen at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics. Patellofemoral pain, or pain in the front of the knee, is the most commonly reported source of knee pain in cyclists. Cycling is typically thought of...

How Biofeedback Can Improve Your Pelvic Health Symptoms

What is Biofeedback for the Pelvic Floor? Our Boulder and Lafayette clinics now offer surface EMG biofeedback for pelvic muscle training! Biofeedback for the pelvic floor, or specifically surface EMG (sEMG), is a device that senses muscle activity at the pelvic floor muscles via external electrodes. You can then visually view on the device when...

Should I Be Taking Supplements While In Physical Therapy?

Boulder is the healthiest place I have practiced as a Physical Therapist with a low prevalence of common chronic diagnoses, such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, or medication use.  In contrast, supplement use is highly prevalent among our fellow Boulder County citizens.  A common question we receive in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette...

When Can I Run After A Knee Injury Or Surgery?

A Guide to Returning to Running After Knee Injury or Surgery A common question we receive from patients at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics is the timeline for a return to activity after an injury or surgery.  Returning to running after a knee injury or surgery can be a significant milestone...

In Defense Of The Kegel

A common question we discuss in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics regards Kegels.  First and foremost, Kegels are not always appropriate and are definitely not always enough in treating pelvic floor dysfunctions! Gone are the days of doing only Kegels on a table in a room. For all the reasons Kegels...

Exercise As Effective As Medications For Erectile Dysfunction

A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in October 2023 shows aerobic activity can be just as effective as medication for erectile dysfunction. The systematic review evaluated the effects of aerobic activity on erectile function and found men who participated in aerobic activity, such as cycling, running or walking, had better erectile...