Strengthening the muscles of the hip, gluts, is a key component of rehabilitation for patients with low back pain, hip pain, and knee pain. These muscles help to optimize movement in the lower quarter improving joint mechanics and force distribution during life and recreational activities. In our Facebook posts, we have shown videos on optimizing the firing in the muscles on the back and side of the hips. These videos detail beginning, intermediate, and advanced exercises for each muscle group. One commonly utilized exercise is the crab walk which incorporates a lateral side stepping movement against a resistance band. A new research article highlights how placement of the band can optimize recruitment of the glut muscles.
Lewis and colleagues analyzed the activation of the glut muscles during a crab walk exercise using different elastic band positions (J Athletic Training. 2019). 22 healthy adults were asked to side step with the elastic band around the knees, ankles, and feet. During each 3 of the conditions, researchers analyzed EMG activity from the hip muscles including the TFL, gluteus medius, and gluteius maximus. As expected, increased glut work was found when the band was moved from the knees to the ankles lengthening the lever. Interestingly, placing the band around the feet increased the glut work without increasing the contribution from the TFL (often a muscle we try to utilize less during exercise). Thus, placing the band around the feet may be an optimal position to recruit the hip with less contributing from compensatory muscles.