
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

Are Great Athletes Born Or Trained?

September 2, 2024

Most psychology 101 courses cover the interesting question of nature vs. nurture.  In short, how many of our current traits and abilities were we born with vs. influenced by the environment we were raised in by our families.  This question is extremely difficult to answer with 100% certainty especially in the world of health and fitness.  Researchers often try to answer these questions with longitudinal twin studies, same genetics, who choose different paths, environment.

Despite these methodological challenges in twin research it is still very interesting to consider which of our athletic abilities we are born with vs. are trainable through our environments.  For example, do flexible participants choose gymnastics and yoga or can we train genetically less flexible people into these activities.  One only needs to see a few division I offensive lineman averaging 6’5″ and over 300 pounds to realize only one sport comes to mind for these athletes.

A recent study conducted twin modeling in 6 to 18 year old children and adolescents to determine which fitness tests were best explained with genetics vs. environment (Silventoinen et al. Med Sci Sp Ex. 2024).  Authors studied close to 200 pairs of twins (40% monozygotic) and had them perform 15 common fitness tests.  As expected, males out performed females in strength and endurance while females out performed males in flexibility tests.  These sex differences in this age range are well established.  As expected, genetic contributions were greatest in flexibility tests such as the sit and reach.  Conversely, less genetic contributions were noted among strength and power tests including push ups, sit ups, trunk lifts, and the standing long jump.  Indicating these latter tests may be more influenced by environment vs. genetics.

In my experience most athletes are born with an available range of athletic ability in given tests.  Importantly, an individual’s range is influenced by exercise and training.  Those who are fit and work hard are most often testing at the top of their range of athletic abilities.

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