
Crunchy Back During Upward Facing Dog In Yoga? Here’s How to Fix it.

February 27, 2025

By: Dr. Rani Helvey-Byers, PT, DPT, OCS

Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) is a powerful backbend that strengthens the spine and opens the chest. However, for many practitioners, this pose can cause discomfort or even pain in the lower back. If you’ve ever felt strain in your lumbar spine while practicing this asana, you’re not alone! In this post, we’ll explore why this happens, how to modify the pose, and which exercises can help build strength and flexibility for a pain-free Upward Facing Dog.

1. Why It Hurts

Pain in Upward Facing Dog usually stems from overarching the lower back. If the lumbar spine is taking too much of the bend, it can create compression and discomfort. This can happen for a variety of reasons.

  • Lack of core engagement – The core muscles act like a natural brace for your spine. If these muscles are weak or inactive, the lumbar spine lacks stability, making it more prone to excessive bending.

  • Tight hip flexors – If you have stiff hip flexors, your lower back will try to overcompensate to achieve the movement, causing increased discomfort.

  • Stiffness from the upper spine – Alternatively, if your upper (thoracic) spine does not extend well, your lower back will overcompensate to achieve the movement, causing increased discomfort.

2. How to Help During

If you feel discomfort in this pose, try these modifications:

  • Engage your core – Activate your abdominal muscles to support the lower back.

  • Adjust your pelvis and squeeze your glutes! – Try tucking the tailbone slightly to decompress your lower spine.

  • Lower to Baby Cobra – Instead of straightening the arms fully, keep a bend in the elbows and press into Cobra Pose until your spine gains more mobility.

  • Use yoga blocks for an elevated Sphinx Pose – Place blocks under your elbows to elevate your torso and reduce the intensity of the backbend.

3. How to Get Rid of the Pain for Good

Strengthening and stretching the right muscles can make a huge difference. Here are a few targeted exercises for you to try with videos demonstrating each.

Core Exercises

Thoracic Mobility

Hip Flexor Stretching


By making small adjustments and incorporating these strengthening exercises, you can enjoy a more comfortable and effective Upward Facing Dog. Keep listening to your body, and over time, you’ll build the strength and flexibility needed for a pain-free backbend.

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