I have been a recreational and competitive CrossFit athlete for 5 years now. One of the primary unfounded claims about CrossFit that I hear way too commonly is that it is an injury waiting to happen. I have heard many physical therapists and orthopedic surgeons say things such as “CrossFit keeps me in business.” This could not be further from the truth and is a LIE the healthcare profession needs to stop propagating! My hypotheses for why people repeat ignorant statements like this are as follows:
- They heard that a study (not a study they read) found high injury rates in CrossFit
- They have never done CrossFit and have never experienced the community
- Individuals that do CrossFit seek out skilled care from healthcare practitioners because they are passionate about their own health and wellness
Injury rates in CrossFit are actually lower and less severe than many field and team sports! CrossFit injury rates have been identified in viable and legitimate research studies to occur at rates of 2-3 per 1000 hours trained (3.1/1000h trained reported by Hak et al). These rates are similar to those identified during Olympic Weightlifting (3.3/1000h trained), gymnastics (3.1/1000h trained), and rugby (3/1000h trained). Other sporting activities with higher injury rates identified by the literature include American High School Football (140 per 1000 exposure hours), ice hockey (78.4 injuries per 1000 exposure hours), and both men’s and women’s soccer (4.22 and 5.21 injuries per 1000 exposure hours respectively). The most commonly reported CrossFit injuries occurred in the shoulder (25%), low back, and knee. Injury severity ranged from muscular strain to dislocation and rotator cuff tear in the shoulder, but was commonly identified in the knee as anterior knee pain with squatting that did not impact function or participation.
Injuries in CrossFit occur most frequently in individuals training less than 4x/week and greater than 6x/week indicating likely associations between injury and both over-training and under-training. Injuries occur markedly less when there is supervised coaching of the athletes. Despite this, a large class size of higher athlete to coach ratios is associated with increased rates of injury.
The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) have spent nearly a decade attempting to prove that CrossFit causes injuries. In 2021, the NSCA settled a lawsuit filed by CrossFit Inc. in 2016 over a fraudulent article in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning. The article claimed high injury-related drop-out rates in CrossFit, but the data used was later shown to be falsified. The NSCA paid over $4 million in legal fees to CrossFit Inc. and an undisclosed financial sum. Many PTs who heard about the article were unaware of the falsified data (CrossFit v NSCA Lawsuit Settled).
The myth that CrossFit is dangerous or causes injuries needs to end. Fitness programs of all types prevent people from developing chronic disease and should be supported. Get out to your local box and throw down on some heavy clean and jerks, go Fran your little heart out, train for a half-marathon, whatever you enjoy to stay fit and healthy! Keep it constant, keep it varied, keep it functional, and keep it high intensity. Come see us at MEND if you desire to improve performance, want to reduce risk of injury, or are unlucky enough to sustain an injury. It helps to be treated by somebody who is a CrossFitter themselves!
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