Exercise remains the best tool to improve your mental, emotional, and physical health. When done correctly, and most importantly, consistently these health benefits improve both a participant’s quality and quantity of life. All other pills, supplements, medications, and online remedies pale in comparison to exercise. While we certainly cannot control all the variables (disease, injury) which contribute to either a lower functional level or a shorter lifespan, I encourage all people to take control of what they can which often includes exercise and fitness. As you will read below the greatest benefit of any exercise program is always found when people move from the lowest levels of activity to the 2nd lowest levels. As the saying goes every little bit helps.
Veerman and colleagues published their findings on the impact of exercise on lifespan in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (2025). Authors conducted an analysis of mortality data in a national registry. Specifically detailing the impact of physical activity on death rates. Authors reported participants over 40 could raise their life span by 5 years by reaching the highest 25% of physical activity participation. As expected the greatest single increase in lifespan was noted when participants move from the least active quarter of the population to the next active quarter. Further increases were noted if these sedentary individuals achieved higher quartile’s of activity.
Patient’s often ask me what is the best exercise and my answer is always the same. Which ever exercise moves large muscle groups, is enjoyable, and something you can do consistently.
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