
When Can I Run After A Knee Injury Or Surgery?

A Guide to Returning to Running After Knee Injury or Surgery A common question we receive from patients at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics is the timeline for a return to activity after an injury or surgery.  Returning to running after a knee injury or surgery can be a significant milestone...

In Defense Of The Kegel

A common question we discuss in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics regards Kegels.  First and foremost, Kegels are not always appropriate and are definitely not always enough in treating pelvic floor dysfunctions! Gone are the days of doing only Kegels on a table in a room. For all the reasons Kegels...

Exercise As Effective As Medications For Erectile Dysfunction

A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in October 2023 shows aerobic activity can be just as effective as medication for erectile dysfunction. The systematic review evaluated the effects of aerobic activity on erectile function and found men who participated in aerobic activity, such as cycling, running or walking, had better erectile...

The Key To Keeping Hikers On The Trail

Anyone who has participated in hiking in Colorado knows that it is difficult to trek anywhere without significant elevation change.  In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we work with all levels of hikers to both rehabilitate current injuries and keep them on the trails by reducing their risk for future injury. ...

Using High Intensity Workouts When Time Is Limited

Interval training has been well-researched over the years and there is considerable evidence to show that interval training can provide similar if not better health benefits compared to continuous moderate-intensity exercise. One type of aerobic interval training, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), may be effective for improving VO2 max, endurance capacity, resting metabolic rate, blood pressure,...

Cold Water Immersion After Training May Negatively Effect Muscle Growth

The utilization of cold temperatures whether in the form of air temperature, water immersion, or ice baths after exercise is not new, but participation in this intervention is on the rise.  As the popularity of cold water immersion increases it continues to outpace the available research supporting its’ utilization.  Overall the research has significant methodological...

How to improve balance during a handstand

Wrist strategy for maintaining balance in a handstand The handstand is a unique position that requires placing one’s entire weight through the hands. Different strategies can be adopted to maintain balance in the handstand on the floor. Studies looking at successful strategies for maintaining balance in high-level handbalancers concluded that more experienced handbalancers relied on...

Improving Adherence To Your Exercise Program

Exercise remains one of the most powerful interventions available to improve mental, emotional, and physical health, as well as, increase our quality of life as we age.  Participants who participate in a regular exercise program consisting of moderate aerobic exercise and strength training have significant health benefits over their less active peers.  At our Boulder...

Receiving Physical Therapy For Dizziness Reduces Odds Of Falling By 86%

Authors estimate up to 15% of Americans suffer from dizziness.  There are multiple causes of dizziness and symptoms should be evaluated be a medical professional.  If left untreated dizziness can lead to falls, especially in older adults, with severe consequences.  In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we commonly evaluate the symptoms...

Is Low Back Pain Delaying Your Return To Post Partum Exercise?

Is low back pain delaying your ability to get back to postpartum exercise? Your pelvic girdle and pelvic floor muscles may need some attention! One complaint we often hear as pelvic floor physical therapists working with our postpartum population is the inability to get back to mat exercise because of pain when lying flat on...