
Improving Knee Pain In Jumping Athletes

The knee is subjected to the biomechanics of the adjacent hip and ankle due to its’ location between two long bones lower extremity. These long levers can contribute significantly to a patient’s knee symptoms. In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy offices we commonly evaluate and treat the adjacent joints in the lower...

Which ACL Graft Should I Choose After ACL Injury?

ACL injuries are one of the most common sports injuries with estimates ranging from 100-200K tears per year. Female athletes are at significantly greater risk for ACL tears and have a 6-8 x greater risk of injury compared to their male peers in the same sport. After an ACL injury, each athlete should meet with...

What Are Shin Splints And How Are They Treated?

What are shin splits and who gets them? Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS), aka shin splints, is a common injury in impact sports and has a high prevalence in runners making up “10-20% of all running injuries and 60% of all lower-limb overuse injuries” (1). This diagnosis is commonly treated in our Boulder Physical Therapy...

Physical Therapy Prior To Knee Replacement Improves Outcomes After Surgery

Manual therapy and exercise remain the key conservative treatment interventions for patients with knee arthritis. In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we successfully treat knee pain and lost function associated with knee arthritis. In some individuals conservative interventions are not enough to improve function and they may elect to undergo a...

Top 5 Reasons Why Your My Exercise Program Is Not Working

Researchers estimate 1 in 5 adults will drop out of an exercise program. Time remains the most common reason for drop outs, but many participants state lack of improvement. This frustration is understandable given the individual’s commitment of time, energy, and money toward their health and fitness goals. The reasons for lack of improvement are...

Why Are Running Injuries So Prevalent?

Runners and endurance athletes are one of most common patients we treat in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics. A 2019 article by Damsted, Parner, et al. examined the relationship between running injuries and changes in weekly running distance for the recreational runner. It its now understood that running related injuries are...

5 Easy Ways To Reduce Chronic Pain

Chronic or persistent pain is defined by pain that extends beyond 12 weeks or the normal healing time for a given injury/diagnosis despite treatment. Our medical system does a great job treating new or acute pain, but has struggled to be as effective with patients dealing with chronic pain. It is estimated 1 in 4...