
How Effective Is Physical Therapy Dry Needling With Electrical Stimulation?

Dry needling is a common treatment intervention provided by Physical Therapists in our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics. When combined with other interventions, including manual therapy and exercise, dry needling can be an effective method to treat sources of myofascial or muscular pain. Dry needling can be performed with or without electrical stimulation. Previous...

Using Your Inner Voice To Improve Your  Cycling Performance

Our brains create a remarkable and close to non stop dialogue in our heads throughout the day. Often this inner voice can be heard remembering or replaying prior events, as well as, contemplating future events. This voice has remarkable abilities that help separate from the rest of the animal kingdom. Researchers call this inner voice,...

What Are The Best Interventions For Stress Relief

Stress management is a critical skill for any individual including patients in our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices. Stress falls into a if not when category and when it impact our daily lives we need to look for constructive outlets. Common stress management strategies include talking to a friend/family member, exercise, sleep, journaling/prayer, and...

Improving Obesity and Heart Health With A Plant Based Diet

Nutrition is a key component of health and recovery from injury and disease. Due to strong evidence on this link health care practitioners, including Physical Therapists, are being to prescribe adequate portions of fruits and vegetables in patients diets. In a previous blog post we described the beneficial effects of a lower processed diet compared...

Physical Therapy Prior To Total Knee Replacement Improves Post Operative Recovery

Knee osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease world wide and one of the leading causes of disability. Thankfully this condition is successfully managed conservatively utilizing Physical Therapy interventions including manual therapy and exercise. Previous research has shown these Physical Therapy interventions can postpone or prevent the knee for knee replacement. In some cases, conservative...

Resistance Training Shown To Reduce Current And Future Muscular Pain

Exercise remains an essential intervention of any acute or chronic pain management program. The effects of aerobic exercise on pain reduction (analgesia) is well established and thought to occur through a multifactorial process involving positive neurological (peripheral nerves, spinal cord, and brain), as well as, immunological, and circulatory changes in the body. The analgesic effects...

Manual Therapy and Exercise Shown To Improve Dizziness

Our neck plays an important role in our ability to balance and maintain equilibrium within our environment. This region of the spine has a high density of sensors called proprioceptors which provide immediate feedback to our spinal cord and brain regarding our body position in space. In some patients with neck pain this system can...