
Knee arthritis is a common diagnosis affecting both sedentary and active middle to older age adults. Patients presenting to our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics frequently report knee stiffness, pain, lost mobility, and weakness affecting both their daily and recreational activities. Physical Therapy including manual therapy and exercise remains the gold standard of treatment...

  Time is one of the finite resources in life and is reported as the main barrier by individuals who do not reach the national guidelines for exercise minutes each week. Each portion of a weekly exercise program should be evaluated for both health and fitness, as well as, injury prevention benefits. Static stretching consistently...

In Boulder, cycling up canyons is part of lifestyle for many in our community and Boulder Physical Therapy clinic. These rides can be challenging as cyclists look to adjust their gears and bodies to gain an advantage over the challenging terrain. We have long know about the brain’s ability to limit a participant’s workout by...

  Tendon injuries are one of the most common sports injuries seen in our Lafayette and Boulder Physical Therapy clinics. Most often overuse in nature, tendon injuries can significantly limit an individual’s ability to perform their daily and recreational activities. Tendinopathy, formerly known as tendinitis, describes the chronic cellular chemical and structural changes that occur...

Hamstring injuries, strains, are one of the most common injuries in the lower extremity. These muscles cross both the hip and knee joint making them susceptible to strains during high speed movements such as sprinting, jumping, cutting, and kicking. Of the three hamstring muscles, the biceps femoris is the most commonly injured among athletes. Authors...

Triathlon is one of the more popular sports in Boulder with individuals training at all competitive levels and distances. Depending on their competitive level and distance athletes will commonly train up to 25 hours per week for their upcoming races. Surprisingly authors reports only half of triathletes utilize strength training in their weekly hours secondary...