
CrossFit gets a bad reputation for having high rates of injury. I have heard many Physical Therapists and Orthopedic Surgeons say things such as “CrossFit keeps me in business.” This could not be further from the truth and is a lie the healthcare profession needs to stop propagating. My hypotheses for why people repeat ignorant...

CrossFit has often been described as a cult, and that is not entirely inaccurate. A cult is a social group (community) that is defined by its “unusual” religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or its common interest (health and wellness) in a particular personality, object, or goal (fitness). The practice of these beliefs is commonly associated...

CrossFit is well known for utilizing momentum driven variations of gymnastics movements in workouts commonly referred to as “kipping”. Kipping pull-ups and kipping ring muscle-ups are two skills that many new (and many experienced) CrossFit athletes desire to perform so they can complete the WOD at their local box. Often athletes are told they need...

Disclaimer: Acute and active UTI’s should be evaluated and treated by a physician. Physical therapy as treatment of UTI’s should be done in non-acute periods as a way of preventing future infections. In 2018 the European Association of Urology Guidelines came out with a recommendation for recurrent UTI’s to be addressed first with behavior change,...

    Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum and will affect about a third of Americans. While hemorrhoids typically resolve within a few weeks, they can be distressing and discomforting. Risk factors include chronic constipation and straining with bowel movements. Other research proposes it is not simply constipation, but rather high...

Does cycling contribute to men’s pelvic floor dysfunction? There is conflicting evidence on the effect of cycling and pelvic floor dysfunction in men. As the sport becomes more popular, especially here in Boulder, it is imperative to review the current literature to understand the effect, if any, this sport has on your pelvic floor and...

Obesity is one of the greatest health problems facing our country. The causes of obesity are multifactorial in nature, but one contributor is a lack of daily activity or exercise by both children and adults. The CDC estimates less than 1/5th of Americans reach the weekly recommended amounts of exercise including either 300 minutes or...

A concussion is a specific type of mild traumatic brain injury caused by a force to the head or body resulting in symptoms originating from brain and does not have to involve a loss of consciousness. Concussions occur via one of two mechanisms, the first is a direct contact to the head, such as a...

I woke up with dizziness It feels like the room is spinning when I turn my head I think I am too dizzy to get out of bed These are all common complaints from patients suffering from vertigo. The most common form of peripheral vertigo is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). The most common description...