
Distance runners are a frequently injured group of athletes with up to 90% reporting a running related injury requiring time off from training or competition. Authors report low back pain is one of the most common sites of pain likely secondary to underlying core and hip weakness. Runners repeatedly land with 2-6 x times their...

Knee arthritis is a common condition affecting many middle to older aged adults. Its’ prevalence makes it one of the leading causes of disability in our country preventing these individuals from participating in their life, work, and recreational activities. Physical therapy including patient education, manual therapy, and exercise remains a first line treatment for this...

How can you give me a proper diagnosis without feeling my muscles or joints? Most physical therapists will tell you: “I am highly confident of my diagnosis after the question and answer portion of the visit.” And it’s not just blind confidence. Research studies have examined this concept and found that 83% of diagnoses are...

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent quarantine is changing the way healthcare is delivered. Most healthcare companies, including physical therapists, have moved online in an effort to maintain social distancing guidelines. But with change comes the fear of the unknown. How will physical therapy work if not done in person? Is it as effective? Is it...

There are few clinical examples that remind me of how far we have come in orthopedic Physical Therapy practice than assessing bony SI landmarks. As the popular clinical pendulum swung these landmarks were assessed in patients presenting with low back pain to hip pain and even to distant regions such as ankle and neck. Thankfully,...

Running related injuries are very common with studies reporting up to 90% of athletes reporting an injury preventing them from training or competition. Many groups including Physical Therapists are interested in reducing this injury risk through training volume modifications, shoe selection, strength training, and gait retraining. Despite popular internet opinions, research has not concluded on...