
Post operatively, I am normally concerned with two presentations in patients. Patient’s with significant post operative range of motion and those with minimal to no pain have the highest risk of tearing their repaired tissues due to the lack of protection from either stiffness or post operative pain. Patients may incorrectly assume the absence of...

Aerobic exercise has long been established as an effective intervention for improving cardiovascular or heart health markers such as blood pressure, cholesterol, insulin sensitivity, and aerobic capacity (VO2 max). It was provided a significant head start among researchers studying the impact of exercise on measurements of health. Resistance or strength training was initially studied on...

Our healthcare industry is a tremendous force in our country coming in at $3.5 trillion dollars per year and 18% of our gross domestic product. Despite spending approximately $10,000 per American we fall behind other countries in the world on many important health quality measures. The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care is a very interesting...

Healthcare in our country faces significant challenges in the future including an aging population requiring more healthcare services and a shortage of primary care physicians. These clinical personnel are an essential group within our healthcare system as they sit on the front lines for individuals seeking care. Many of these patients will be managed optimally...

The physical benefits of aerobic and resistance exercise are well known and established, but we are learning more about the emotional and mental health benefits of daily exercise. The National Institutes of Health reports 19% of American adults will be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and more than 30% may develop an anxiety disorder in...