
Sports injuries will always be a part of practice and competition, but our goal as Physical Therapists is to reduce this risk in athletes. Risk reduction strategies can be placed into two categories including sport specific training programs (ex. FIFA 11) and pre participation screenings. Physical Therapists aim to identify limitations in an athlete’s mobility,...

Injuries presenting to our Boulder Physical Therapy practice fall into two broad categories including acute, traumatic (sprains, strains, fractures) and microtrauma or overuse injuries (tendinopathy). This latter category is the most common, but may also be more preventable. Overuse injuries are created when a participant performs too much activity, too soon and the forces of...

Looking the part is a phrase attributed to 19th century theatre when productions were looking for actors whose characteristics reflected the role they auditioned to play. We continue to seek individuals whose behaviors mirror their profession and likely refuse to work with a broke financial planner, the personal trainer who doesn’t exercise, a dentist with...