
The world wide events surrounding COVID 19 or the coronavirus have brought illness, hygiene, and immunity to the forefront of our minds. Immunosenescence is a term researchers use to describe the decline in our immune function as we age. These changes reduce our ability to both fight current infection and adapt or adjust to future...

You could be forgiven if you felt exercise should involve accessories such as vision altering goggles, balance boards, color coded objects, and other unstable surfaces after watching national sports highlight shows playing videos of professional athletes going through their pre season training. It seemed to be the theme of the year for one professional athlete...

Ultrasound is a therapeutic modality designed to attempt to warm injured tissues, increase circulation, and reduce pain through transmission of sound waves into the body. Initially utilized in middle of the 20th century and likely reaching its’ peak use in the 90s before President Clinton signed the balanced budget act (which included enforcement of Medicare...

Shoulder pain is one of the most common reasons patients seek the care of a primary care physician and Physical Therapist. Shoulder impingement or the compression of soft tissue structures, including the rotator cuff tendons, between the bones and ligaments of the shoulder remains the most common diagnosis behind these symptoms. Physical Therapy is the...

Constipation abdominal pain can be incredibly uncomfortable, affecting your daily life and ultimately keeping you from doing the things you love. At Mend Colorado, we recognize the impact of these issues and advocate for abdominal mobilization to reduce pain and bloating while enhancing gut motility and overall digestive health. Constipation can result from various factors,...

Arm chair quarterbacks can most often be found 5-10 minutes after a sports play, that evening, or the following day as they dissect and recreate “their” solutions with the tremendous benefits of time, instant replay, and hindsight. These statements are one of the foundations of sports and talk radio, but are also found throughout the...

ACL tears are one of the most common sports injuries with over 100,000 ACL surgeries performed each year. In a given sport, females remain at a higher risk of injury than their male peers secondary to both non modifiable and non modifiable risk factors. Although Physical Therapy and conservative care have shown equivalent outcomes to...

Sports injuries will always be a part of practice and competition, but our goal as Physical Therapists is to reduce this risk in athletes. Risk reduction strategies can be placed into two categories including sport specific training programs (ex. FIFA 11) and pre participation screenings. Physical Therapists aim to identify limitations in an athlete’s mobility,...