
Injuries presenting to our Boulder Physical Therapy practice fall into two broad categories including acute, traumatic (sprains, strains, fractures) and microtrauma or overuse injuries (tendinopathy). This latter category is the most common, but may also be more preventable. Overuse injuries are created when a participant performs too much activity, too soon and the forces of...

Looking the part is a phrase attributed to 19th century theatre when productions were looking for actors whose characteristics reflected the role they auditioned to play. We continue to seek individuals whose behaviors mirror their profession and likely refuse to work with a broke financial planner, the personal trainer who doesn’t exercise, a dentist with...

Recovery tools, including supplements, drinks, foods, and clothing, are a billion dollar industry but one the most effective and cheapest options remains adequate sleep. High level athletes make sleep a priority scheduling time for a full night’s sleep and daily naps to help recover from their daily training sessions. The CDC recommends American adults should...

Yogi Berra famously said, “when you come to a fork in the road, take it”. These forks come frequently in life and allow us to make decisions and take actions which have large impacts on our future relationships, employment opportunities, and our health. The decision to exercise in adults is an important one because of...