
Does Spinal Manipulation For Low Back Pain Need To Be Specific?

Low back pain and neck pain remain the most common reasons patients week care from both their primary care physician and Physical Therapist.  Research has supported the short term utilization of spinal manipulation for patients with spinal pain to reduce pain and disability.  In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices we utilize...

Walking Shown To Reduce Recurrence Of Low Back Pain

Low back pain remains the most common reason patients seek care from a primary care physician and Physical Therapist.  At our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we effectively treat patients with low back pain utilizing education, manual therapy, and exercise.  Based on our available medical evidence we know low back pain symptoms...

Dry Needling Is Effective For Chronic Spinal Pain

In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we commonly see patients with back pain that have not improved with other Physical Therapy clinics.  Our Physical Therapists focus on the utilization of high level exercise, manual therapy, including spinal manipulation, and dry needling for the treatment of both acute and chronic low back...

Using Spinal Manipulation For Boulder Back Pain Patients

Spinal manipulation may be one of the oldest forms of treatment in medicine dating at least back to Hippocrates.  This intervention is most commonly performed by Physical Therapists, physicians, and chiropractors.  In our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics our Physical Therapists have advanced training in the utilization of manipulation for both the spine and...

Research Finds Lowest Healthcare Costs For Low Back Pain Associated With Seeing A Physical Therapist First

In Colorado patients have direct access to their Physical Therapist and do not require a physician referral to begin treatment.  This healthcare pathway is associated with improved health care outcomes and lower health costs compared to seeing a physician first.  Seeing a physician first has been associated with early imaging, specialist referrals, and medications which...

Should I Have Surgery For My Sciatica?

Sciatica is a painful condition with symptoms of pain, numbness, and/or pins and needles extending down the leg. The term sciatica is helpful for location of symptoms, but their are multiple causes of sciatica. In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics, determining the cause is the first step in recovery for this...