
Reducing Future Cancer Risk With Exercise

Exercise remains one of healthcare’s most powerful interventions for improving a participant’s mental, emotional, and physical health.  Research also supports active participant’s have significantly lower risks of future diseases including heart disease and cancer compared to their sedentary peers.  National and international guidelines are well established on the minimum durations of activity needed each week...

Using Exercise To Increase Lifespan

Exercise remains the best tool to improve your mental, emotional, and physical health.  When done correctly, and most importantly, consistently these health benefits improve both a participant’s quality and quantity of life.  All other pills, supplements, medications, and online remedies pale in comparison to exercise.  While we certainly cannot control all the variables (disease, injury)...

Using Strength Training To Improve Flexibility

Flexibility or mobility work can be a large part of any injured patient’s recovery at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics.  In contrast, in a healthy population flexibility training should be one of the last things you spend time on each week because of its’ limited impact on injury prevention, health, or...

Reducing Pain Through Exercise

Exercise provides numerous positive effects to the participant.  The majority of the mental, physical, and emotional benefits are provided to the consistent participant who meets national exercise guidelines each week.  In addition, there are many short term benefits that are provided to even single bouts of exercise.  For example, the mental health benefits of taking...

Treating Yoga Butt

By: Robert Adams, PT, DPT, OCS In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices we often treat patients looking to improve pain and performance in their yoga practice.  “Yoga Butt” is a common issue in yoga where one experiences pain with forward folds and hamstring stretches. This condition is also known as a...

Walking Shown To Reduce Symptoms Of Depression And Future Risk Of Depression

The benefits of exercise and daily activity for our physical health is well established in the medical literature.  In addition, evidence continues to grow on the mental and emotional health benefits of exercise.  Previous research has demonstrated participants who are more active have lower rates of depression and anxiety compared to their sedentary peers.  Interestingly,...

Measuring Your VO2 Max At Home

Cardiovascular disease remains the number 1 cause of mortality in both men and women.  Current disease markers of blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, and lifestyle are helpful, but less effective at predicting future disease risk compared to our aerobic fitness.  The gold standard for measuring an individual’s aerobic fitness is the VO2 max test. In research...

Which Body Weight Exercises Burn The Most Calories?

Getting a workout in at home and on the road can be a challenge due to lack of access to equipment, space, and/or outdoor weather conditions.  When these barriers to exercise are present we encourage participants to find unconventional forms of resistance, such as a backpack or bag, or choose from effective body weight exercises. ...

What Is The Best Predictor Of Longevity?

Quality of life and health span have joined lifespan as optimal goals for aging.  Lifespan describes living the years of your life at an optimal level of health and wellness vs. the gradual then steep decline that normally follows aging.  Losses in health span and normally associated with losses in physical independence. The low hanging...