
In prior posts we described risk factors for an initial episode of achilles tendinopathy including muscle imbalances, calf weakness (concentric and eccentric), and loss of mobility within the foot and ankle.  Once the tendinopathy is established, patients demonstrate significant deficits in range of motion, strength, balance, endurance, and jumping ability (Silbernagel et al. 2006).  These...

Mend Physical Therapy has previously written on the prevention and treatment of running injuries  in multiple prior blog posts.    Running is very common form of exercise in the United States and here Boulder County. The vast majority of runners will sustain an injury in the upcoming year which will prevent them from training or competing...

October is American Physical Therapy Association’s Physical Therapy Month.  During the month of October Mend Physical Therapy will be offering complimentary sessions to Boulder County residents to discuss your injury or performance concerns. To schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our expert Physical Therapists click here  

In a previous post we highlighted the importance of a dynamic warm up to gradually increase cardiovascular work, improve mobility, decrease injury risk, and improve performance.  Conversely, traditional static stretching has been shown to reduce run, sprint, and jump performance in athletes.  Clearly, these static holds should be held until an athlete’s cool down period after...

The majority of patients undergoing treatment by a Physical Therapist will receive a home exercise program (HEP) based on their specific symptoms.  This individualized program is essential for the reduction of symptoms and restoration of function.  In my opinion, not providing an exercise program to patients with musculoskeletal conditions leads to patient dependence on the...

Elbow pain on the outside of the elbow is most common in individuals’ aged 30-50 y.o. and effects 1-3% of the general population (Shiri et al. 2006).  Risk factors for this condition include blue collar workers utilizing repetitive gripping and manipulation in the work place, smokers, and tennis athletes.  This condition has previously been described...

Knee Pain Background Anterior knee pain is a term used to encompass many conditions affecting structures of the knee. The majority of these cases can be attributed to patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) or an abnormal tracking of the patella on the femoral groove secondary to changes in lower extremity alignment, muscle imbalance, or training errors...

Our previous blog post detailed the differences in biomechanics between foot strike patterns in runners.  There are clear bio mechanical differences between utilizing a forefoot and rear foot strike pattern and these are important for gait retraining and injury risk.  Obviously, the foot is the first part of the body to strike the ground in...

Aerobic exercise has a tremendous impact on our morbidity and mortality due to its’ ability to positively impact our emotional, mental, and physical health.  In particular, the cardiovascular system undergoes dramatic improvements in response to aerobic exercise.  These benefits are noted in many of the variables we track clinically including blood pressure, VO2 Max (aerobic...

One of things I enjoy about the profession of Physical Therapy is its’ constantly changing nature of the medical evidence behind what we do.  Often I come across a new article or research report, which challenges my previous line of thought about an injury or treatment and requires me to change.  Achilles Tendinopathy is commonly and...