
Top 5 Reasons Why Your My Exercise Program Is Not Working

Researchers estimate 1 in 5 adults will drop out of an exercise program. Time remains the most common reason for drop outs, but many participants state lack of improvement. This frustration is understandable given the individual’s commitment of time, energy, and money toward their health and fitness goals. The reasons for lack of improvement are...

What Are The Best Interventions For Stress Relief

Stress management is a critical skill for any individual including patients in our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices. Stress falls into a if not when category and when it impact our daily lives we need to look for constructive outlets. Common stress management strategies include talking to a friend/family member, exercise, sleep, journaling/prayer, and...

Why You Should Stop Massaging, Needling, and Mashing That Spot Next to Your Shoulder Blade

We have seen countless cases in our Boulder and Lafayette physical therapy offices of clients presenting with reports of a “knot” next to their shoulder blade that in many cases has often been massaged, needled, scraped or mashed to death with no lasting relief of symptoms. Scapular or shoulder blade pain is a classic sign...

A concussion is a specific type of mild traumatic brain injury caused by a force to the head or body resulting in symptoms originating from brain and does not have to involve a loss of consciousness. Concussions occur via one of two mechanisms, the first is a direct contact to the head, such as a...

It is hard to walk through any health food aisle in the grocery store without coming across another food, drink, or supplement claiming to provide anti oxidants. These products’ effects claim to target free radicals or the naturally occurring unstable molecules, due to changes in electrons, which are created through our body’s cellular metabolism. If...

As healthcare costs and out of pocket deductibles continue to rise in our country patients have become more vigilant on treatment costs. In particular, patients are realizing the expenses associated with different entry points for their care. For muscle, joint, ligament, and tendon pain, seeing a Physical Therapist first (direct access) continues to be the...

In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice we routinely assess a patient’s strength, in part, to determine a muscle’s force capacity and in turn its’ requirements for strength training exercises. In most Physical Therapy educational programs students are instructed to grade a patient’s force capacity using a combination of range of motion measurements and the forces...

In 2020, all Americans have experienced challenges impacting their mental health manifested by feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. In particular, the CDC reports adult caregivers, young adults, and minorities report higher rates of mental and emotional health challenges due the current COVID pandemic. individuals experiencing these symptoms are strongly encouraged to follow up with...