
Is Low Back Pain Delaying Your Return To Post Partum Exercise?

Is low back pain delaying your ability to get back to postpartum exercise? Your pelvic girdle and pelvic floor muscles may need some attention! One complaint we often hear as pelvic floor physical therapists working with our postpartum population is the inability to get back to mat exercise because of pain when lying flat on...

Yes, men have a pelvic floor too! At Mend in Boulder and Lafayette, our pelvic health specialists treat all male pelvic health concerns. Some signs of a male pelvic health dysfunction could include: Frequent urination Strong urge to urinate Delayed start of stream or disrupted stream Erectile dysfunction Chronic constipation Pain in genitals or rectum...

Is High Intensity Vigorous Exercise Safe in Pregnancy?

While the evidence has been clear that moderate intensity exercise is safe and beneficial in pregnancy, little has been researched on the safety of high intensity (>90% heart rate max) exercise in pregnancy. A new study in May 2023 has shed some new light on the matter and found vigorous exercise to be safe for...

How to Use a Vaginal Dilator for Painful Sex or Penetration

Vaginal dilators are tools that help stretch and expand the vaginal introitus (or opening) and surrounding tissues. Dilators come in many shapes, sizes, and material types but all utilize the underlying strategy of desensitizing and stretching the tissue gradually and progressively. Most often dilators are prescribed for conditions that cause pain with vaginal penetration. Common...

Bone Density Changes in Pregnancy and While Lactating

The effects of pregnancy on bone health in premenopausal women can lead to changes in bone mineral density (BMD). During early pregnancy, there is an increase in bone remodeling, which can result in a decline in BMD. The magnitude of BMD loss during pregnancy varies among studies and skeletal locations, ranging from less than 1%...

5 Things You Didn’t Know That Pelvic Physical Therapy Treats

1. Testicular pain Yes, men can benefit from pelvic physical therapy. Testicular pain is often not an issue with the testicle itself, but rather a presentation of a pelvic floor dysfunction. This may be due to pelvic floor muscle overactivity. Referral patterns of pelvic floor or even abdominal muscles can be into the testicles and...

Could my constipation be caused by pelvic floor dyssynergia?

As many as 50% of people with chronic constipation have pelvic floor dysfunction. This dysfunction is commonly diagnosed as “pelvic floor dyssynergia,” which is a fancy way of saying the pelvic floor muscles are not coordinating correctly to have a bowel movement. When the muscles aren’t coordinated correctly, there is disruption in the signals our...