
As the triathlon off season carries forward into the Spring athletes should be focused on the evaluation, treatment, and/or prevention of last season’s nagging injuries.  Specifically, athletes competing in Triathlon should see a reduction in their endurance training and a corresponding increase in weight training.  The additional time placed on weight training in the off...

My approach to treating ankle sprains has changed dramatically since I began working with athletes in the late 1990s.  The PRICE (protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation) approach has been replaced with a clinically superior movement approach designed to reduce pain and facilitate a return to an exercise program.  The PRICE approach was effective to...

Hydration, electrolytes, salt and pickle water are all common internet solutions for muscle cramping.  These remedies are based off the assumption that muscle cramping is secondary to imbalances in electrolyes (potassium, sodium) or hydration levels.  In particular, when athletes are dehydrated there is a decrease in the water content, concentrating many elements in the bloodstream...