
Crunchy Back During Upward Facing Dog In Yoga? Here’s How to Fix it.

By: Dr. Rani Helvey-Byers, PT, DPT, OCS Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) is a powerful backbend that strengthens the spine and opens the chest. However, for many practitioners, this pose can cause discomfort or even pain in the lower back. If you’ve ever felt strain in your lumbar spine while practicing this asana, you’re...

Treating Yoga Butt

By: Robert Adams, PT, DPT, OCS In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices we often treat patients looking to improve pain and performance in their yoga practice.  “Yoga Butt” is a common issue in yoga where one experiences pain with forward folds and hamstring stretches. This condition is also known as a...