
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

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Uncategorized cardiovascular disease, diabetes, diet, nutrition, obesity, plant based
Nutrition is a key component of health and recovery from injury and disease. Due to strong evidence on this link
general physical therapy inflammation, pain, recovery, sleep
In our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices, in addition to the injured tissue(s), we examine the total health behaviors
general physical therapy nutrition, obesity, weight loss
Nutrition, stress management, and sleep are the overlooked components of a patient’s recovery in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette
Knee Injuries exercise, knee pain, knee replacement, total knee replacement
Knee osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease world wide and one of the leading causes of disability. Thankfully this
Exercise chronic pain, exercise, pain, strength training
Exercise remains an essential intervention of any acute or chronic pain management program. The effects of aerobic exercise on pain
neck pain balance, dizziness, neck pain, vertigo, Vestibular
Our neck plays an important role in our ability to balance and maintain equilibrium within our environment. This region of
Exercise cardiovascular disease, diabetes, disease risk, walking
The percentage of Americans who obtain enough physical activity through their occupational activities continues to fall due to technological advances.
Knee Injuries exercise, knee pain, patellofemoral pain
Patellofemoral Pain, or pain around the knee cap, is the most common source of knee pain. Although common, patellofemoral pain
climbing rock climbing, Rock Climbing Elbow Pain, Rock Climbing Shoulder Pain
Tendon pain and injuries are very common in rock climbers because of the repetitive stress that is placed on our
climbing rock climbing, Rock Climbing Elbow Pain
Lateral elbow pain (aka lateral epicondylalgia, aka tennis elbow) is a very common condition experienced by rock climbers. The most
sports injuries balance, concussion, injury risk
Rates of concussion have increased in recent years likely secondary to both an increase in sports participation and better recognition
sports injuries ACL, ACL injury, ACL surgery, return to sport
ACL tears are one of the most common injuries in sports with between 100 to 200 thousand occurring in the
low back pain injection, low back pain
The use of low back injections is often utilized for patients with low back pain and nerve pain (radicular pain)
Pelvic Health, Women's Health pelvic floor strengthening, perineal tear, prenatal exercise, women's health
At Mend, we work with highly active women in Boulder County during pregnancy in our Boulder and Lafayette sports medicine
Exercise aerobic exercise, exercise, exercise prescription, strength training
At a fundamental level, all forms of exercise are designed to improve the current state of the participant. In our
Running Injuries rehabilitation, running, running injuries, running injury
Death, taxes, low back pain, and injury if you are a runner. With over 90% of runners reporting an injury
Pelvic Health male pelvic health, pelvic health, pelvic pain
At our Boulder pelvic physical therapy clinic, we often see the cause of a pelvic floor dysfunction being tension, not
Sign up below to receive monthly newsletters with evidence-based resources for rock climbers.Injury preventionSelf-diagnosisSelf-treatmentTraining protocolsand much more! Subscribe * indicates
Knee Injuries knee arthritis, knee pain, meniscal tear, surgery
Arthroscopic surgery remains a common procedure for patients with knee arthritis and degenerative meniscal tears despite medical evidence questioning its’
climbing elbow pain, rock climbing, Rock Climbing Elbow Pain
Make sure you’re incorporating shoulder strengthening into your elbow rehabilitation!The elbow is one of the most common sites for pain