
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

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Uncategorized CrossFit
CrossFit specific warm up and maintenance exercises created by the Doctors of Physical Therapy at Mend.Every week you get a
Pelvic Health pelvic health, postpartum, postpartum fitness, postpartum running, running
Ready to run after having a baby but need a better plan on how much and how to progress your
Sports Performance core exercise, sports performance, strength training
In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice we often train the foundation of the body prior to moving to distal extremities.
Physical Therapy Exam back and leg pain, neck and arm pain, Physical Therapy examination, subjective history
Patients presenting to our Boulder Physical Therapy clinic often present with arm or leg symptoms including pain, numbness, and pins
Exercise aerobic exercise, exercise, obesity, weight loss
Many exercisers report weight control or weight loss as one of their main goals for performing a weekly exercise program.
Tennis dry needling, tennis, tennis elbow, treatment
 Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylalgia is the most common reason for elbow pain and 2nd most common overuse
Tennis exercise, knee pain, rehabilitation, tennis
Patellar tendinopathy also known as “jumper’s knee” is one of the most common chronic knee injuries found in tennis and
Racquet Sports Racquet Sports, shoulder pain, tennis
The rotator cuff is an essential group of muscles that stabilize the shoulder during overhead movements such as the tennis
Exercise disease risk, exercise, sleep
Sleep is an essential part of your day and makes up one of the 4 (sleep, stress management, nutrition, and
Pelvic Health kegels, pelvic floor strengthening, pelvic health, pelvic organ prolapse, strength training
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is the descent or tissue laxity of the front (bladder), back (rectum), or top (cervical) aspect
Bone Health, Female Athlete, Women's Health female athlete, osteoporosis, women's health
Strength or resistance training targeting the major muscle groups of the body is recommended by the American College of Sports
Mend has recently expanded our East Boulder County office located on the border of Lafayette and Louisville. We provide the
climbing rock climbing, Rock Climbing Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is a common problem among rock climbers. It affects 2/3 of adults and is one of the top
climbing rock climbing, strength training
Did you know that having a climbing injury makes you 6 times more likely to have a future climbing injury
climbing Climbing Finger Pain, rock climbing, shoulder pain
“Chicken-winging” is a movement that every climber experiences. It is defined as a pattern of movement where the elbows raise
sports injuries football, quadriceps strain, soccer, sports injuries
Quadriceps strains are a common sports injury occurring in activities demanding kicking, cutting, sprinting, and deceleration movements. In our Boulder
Exercise core exercise, exercise, exercise prescription, low back pain
The core is a collective group of spinal musculature critical for range of motion of the spine, stabilization of our
Pelvic Health pelvic health, pelvic pain, strengthening, stretching
If you deal with pelvic floor tension, you or a physical therapist has likely discovered tight adductors as well. Due
Return To Sport knee pain, sports injuries
If you are an outdoor enthusiast, it is likely you have experienced knee pain at some point. Knee pain is
climbing return to sport, rock climbing
Returning to rock climbing after an injury or an extended break from the sport can be challenging. Many climbers do
Exercise exercise, knee arthritis, knee pain, opioids
Knee arthritis is a common diagnosis affecting both sedentary and active middle to older age adults. Patients presenting to our
sports injuries achilles tendon injury, achilles tendon rupture, sports injury
Achilles tendon ruptures are uncommon and occur in approximately 5-10 people out of 10,000. Authors report this injury is most
Foot and Ankle Injuries foot pain, plantar fasciitis
Pes planus, otherwise known as flatfoot, is a common condition experienced by many individuals that is often associated with plantar
Pelvic Health pelvic health, pelvic pain, pregnancy, pubic symphysis dysfunction
Pubic symphysis pain, commonly known as symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), affects around 30% of pregnant individuals. SPD manifests with symptoms