
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

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Knee Injuries education, exercise, knee pain, patellofemoral pain
The wait and see approach is often utilized by primary care physicians in the management of musculoskeletal conditions. The underlying
Women's Health labor and delivery, pelvic floor, pelvic health, pelvic pain, perineal tear, pregnancy
Dyspareunia or pain with intercourse is common after having a baby. An estimated 50% of women report pain with intercourse
climbing climbing, range of motion, rock climbing, sports performance
Joint stiffness in the thoracic spine can be a significant contributor to neck, upper back, and shoulder pain in rock
Women's Health incontinence, kegels, pelvic floor, pelvic organ prolapse, women's health
Pelvic floor muscle strengthening is a specific type of training program, targeted to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic
climbing foot and ankle, foot pain, rock climbing, sports injuries
Although we tend to think of rock climbing as being most stressful on the upper body, toe pain is surprisingly
climbing rock climbing, sports injuries
Wrist mobility and stability are crucial to helping prevent injury for rock climbers. The joint between the radius and the
climbing neck pain, posture, rock climbing, sports injuries
How many times have you seen someone whose posture looks like this while belaying?Neck pain is a common in rock
general physical therapy exercise, exercise prescription, strength training, strengthening
The vast majority of patients to our Boulder Physical Therapy practice require strength training to either rehabilitate an injured tissue
Women's Health delivery, incontinence, labor and delivery, pelvic floor, perineal tear, pregnancy, women's health
It is estimated that between 1-10% of vaginal births result in 3rd or 4th degree perineal tears. To learn more
Manual Therapy low back pain, manual therapy, sciatica, spinal manipulation
Spinal manipulation, dating at least to Hippocrates’ writings, is one of the oldest known medical treatments. Currently, these treatments are
Women's Health incontinence, labor and delivery, pregnancy, women's health
After talking to many midwives and doulas around Boulder Country and listening to patients' birth stories, it is clear to
Back Injuries leg pain, low back pain, manual therapy, sciatica
The evidence continues to build on the benefits of early Physical Therapy for patients with low back pain. Previous researchers
general physical therapy aging, balance, falls, strength training
The CDC reports one in four adults over the age of 65 have sustained a fall in the previous year.
climbing rock climbing, rotator cuff tear, shoulder pain, sports injuries
The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that coordinate movement and provide dynamic stability of the shoulder joint.
foam roller dynamic warm up, foam rolling, recovery, sports performance
Self soft tissue mobilization using a foam roller or other device (stick, ball, etc) is a popular adjunct to training
Chronic Pain chronic pain, health risks, pain, smoking
With all credit due to exercise, It is hard to think of a more effective modifiable risk factor on an
shoulder pain instability, shoulder dislocation, shoulder surgery
The shoulder sacrifices stability for mobility allowing incredible function of the arm and hand. The downside of this mobility is
Women's Health pelvic health, pelvic organ prolapse, POP, pregnancy, women's health
A cross-sectional survey study by Forner et al. 2020, conducted through an online reporting survey of nearly 4,000 women looked
Pelvic Health, Women's Health CrossFit, pelvic floor, strength training, wo
In our active Boulder County community, we have observed an increase in the number of women participating in high intensity
neck pain dry needling, neck pain, strength training, trigger points
A significant portion of musculoskeletal pain can be attributed to our muscles themselves. Many authors have described persistent muscular pain
Back Injuries aerobic exercise, chronic pain, low back pain, strength training
Low back pain remains one of the top reasons patients seek treatment from physicians and Physical Therapists. Acute low back
Running Injuries cramping, muscle pain, running, sports performance
Muscle cramping can be a frustrating and painful consequence of individual and team sport athletic participation leading to decreased sports
Women's Health abdominal separation, diastasis recti, post-partum, running
The rectus abdominis muscle is the paired muscle running vertically along the anterior abdominal wall. The linea alba is the