
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

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general physical therapy aging, resistance training, strength training
The negative effects of aging on the musculoskeletal system are well known and include a loss of bone density, as
general physical therapy exercise, exercise prescription, strength training
The average adult carves out a 30-60 minute block of time to exercise 2-3 times per week and tries to
performance exercise, recovery, sleep, training
Recovery tools, including supplements, drinks, foods, and clothing, are a billion dollar industry but one the most effective and cheapest
general physical therapy aging, exercise, older adults
Yogi Berra famously said, “when you come to a fork in the road, take it”. These forks come frequently in
Sports Performance exercise prescription, performance, running, strength training
Previously it was thought Physical Therapists should withhold strength training from endurance athletes or have athletes perform exercises with high
running running, running economy, strength training
Many high level and recreational runners avoid weight training due to fear of building muscle or bulk which may be
general physical therapy aging, muscle strength, sacropenia, strength training
Sarcopenia is the age related loss of muscle mass found in all adults during the aging process. Specifically, the average
performance ankle mobility, biomechanics, performance, squatting
Ankle mobility, in particular dorsiflexion, is an essential mobility need for athletics and every day activities including stair climbing and
Hip Injuries hip impingement, hip surgery, labral tear, physical therapy
Arthroscopic hip surgery for hip impingement (FAI) has increased 2600% in the last 7 years despite the significant questions of
Knee Injuries ACL injury, ACL surgery, rehabilitation, return to sport
Authors estimate over 100,000 ACL reconstructions are performed in our country each year. With equal incidence of early arthritis in
Exercise exercise prescription, fatigue, strength training
Strength training creates a positive stress on the nervous and musculoskeletal systems leading to well established gains in mental, emotional,
general physical therapy direct access, health care costs, low back pain, treatment
Direct access to Physical Therapy services was first written into a state's law (Nebraska) in the 1950s and since has
general physical therapy exercise prescription, resistance training, strength training
Exercise selection is one of the most important variables in a weekly strength training program. In general, individuals should look
general physical therapy muscle strength, performance, resistance training, strength training
Strength and muscle hypertrophy (growth) are two separate benefits of strength training. In some participants these occur together, but in
general physical therapy achilles tendinopathy, isometrics, patellar tendinopathy, tendon pain
Tendinopathies, the artist formally known as tendinitis, are common orthopedic and sports medicine conditions affecting both athletes and the general
general physical therapy exercise prescription, isometrics, performance, strength training
Isometrics, muscle contractions without movement of a joint, have been utilized for many decades as a form of strength training
general physical therapy aerobic exercise, resistance training, strength training
One of the reasons our species reached the top of the food chain involves our ability to thrive under a
low back pain Physical Therapy examination, SI dysfunction, SI pain, SI testing
Physical Therapists aim to utilize clinical objective tests to confirm their evolving hypotheses on the source of patient’s current symptoms.
Arm Injuries physical therapy, rotator cuff tear, shoulder pain, shoulder surgery
Rotator cuff tears are a common injury in middle to older aged adults. Tears can be gradual or degenerative in
Foot and Ankle Injuries ankle sprain, exercise, manual therapy, proprioception
Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries encountered by Physical Therapists working in sports medicine practices. Prior research
general physical therapy efficiency, resistance training, strength training, weight training
Resistance training is an essential part of any weekly workout program, but can become neglected when other activities compete for
Foot and Ankle Injuries ankle sprain, ligament laxity, proprioception
The stability of a joint is determined by 3 main categories including passive structures (anatomical bone congruency, ligamentous support), active
Running Injuries running injury, strength training, strengthening
Despite improvements in coaching, training schedules, and running shoes the vast majority of runners can expect a running related injury