
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

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Back Injuries direct access, low back pain, opioids, treatment
Low back pain, along with death and taxes, remains one of the certainties of life. This condition affects over 90%
general physical therapy strength training, surgery, tendon pain
Overuse tendon injuries can present as an acute inflammatory response (Tendinitis) or a chronic degeneration condition (tendinopathy).   These injuries result
general physical therapy exercise prescription, strength training, strengthening
Money and time is some of the finite resources in life. As our lives become busier with work, family, and
general physical therapy exercise, injury, rehabilitation
The acronym R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) has been utilized for decades in the clinical and self management of
general physical therapy muscle growth, muscle strength, strength training, strengthening
Strength training remains one of the most important components of your exercise program. Research supports its’ utilization for improving pain,
general physical therapy neck and arm pain, neck pain, spinal manipulation, thoracic manipulation
Thoracic manipulation by Physical Therapists has previously been shown to improve pain and function in patients with elbow, shoulder, and
general physical therapy exercise, health benefits, obesity
In America we face a energy crisis where the CDC reports 1 in 3 adults and shockingly 1 in 5
dry needling back pain, dry needling, neck pain, pain
Dry needling is a treatment provided by Physical Therapists to relieve a patient’s muscular pain and associated symptoms. This intervention
Arm Injuries physical therapy, rotator cuff tear, shoulder pain, strength training
Rotator cuff injuries span the spectrum from acute strains to chronic tendon pain (tendinopathy) and rotator cuff tears. Physical Therapy
Running Injury gait retraining, running injuries
Cadence, or the amount of steps taken each minute, is a common and effective running assessment. This assessment can be
Knee Injuries knee pain, patellar tendinopathy, PRP, tendon pain
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is becoming a popular treatment for muscle strains, arthritis/cartilage injuries, and tendinopathies, but the evidence behind
Back Injuries chronic pain, exercise, low back pain, walking
Low back pain remains the most common musculoskeletal diagnosis seen by primary care providers including Physical Therapists. While the majority
Running Injuries gait retraining, running injuries
Up to 80% of recreational runners will experience an injury limiting training time or competition in a given year. Running
general physical therapy direct access, physical therapy, safety
Evidence continues to support the utilization of Physical Therapists as a first line treatment for patients with musculoskeletal conditions such
Knee Injuries disease risk, hip strengthening, knee arthritis, risk prevention
Knee arthritis will affect many older adults limiting their ability to participate in their daily, occupational, and recreational activities. Lost
Knee Injuries knee pain, patellofemoral pain, risk prevention, running
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, pain under the knee cap, is the most common diagnosis of knee pain affecting both sedentary and
general physical therapy aging, mental health, sacropenia, strength training
Inactive adults can expect up to a 5% loss of muscle mass each decade after age 30. This loss of
general physical therapy low back pain, physician owned physical therapy practice
The statement, “Your treatment is only Physical Therapy if it is provided by Physical Therapists or Physical Therapist Assistants” rings
Running Injuries ankle mobility, mobility, running injury, stretching
Lower extremity stiffness (“leg stiffness”) describes the resistance the joints and muscles in your lower body will have to movement
general physical therapy exercise, hip arthritis, knee arhritis, manual therapy
Physical Therapy interventions including manual therapy and exercise remain the primary intervention for patients with knee arthritis. These treatments have
Knee Injuries hip arthritis, knee arthritis, medication
Paracetamol, or acetaminophen, was initially introduced in the late 1800s and has become the most commonly prescribed medication for fever
Knee Injuries hip strengthening, knee arthritis, knee pain, strengthening
Knee osteoarthritis is a common and increasing diagnosis that is contributing to an rapid rise in total knee arthroplasty surgery
general physical therapy instrumented assisted soft tissue mobilization, soft tissue mobilization
The human body is an amazing system of interconnected tissues and organ systems designed to handle and thrive against the
general physical therapy disease risk, exercise, heart disease, push up
Heart disease remains the number one killer of both women and men in our country. Although the causes of heart