
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

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athletes, Exercise, prevention, strengthening, stretching eccentric exercise, flexibility, strengthening, stretching
Eccentric exericise, where our muscles contract and lengthen, is an essential part of any exercise program.  Its benefits of strength,
athletes, headaches, sports injuries concussion, physical therapy, treatment
Concussion recognition and management has improved dramatically over the last decade.  Coaches and Physical Therapists are able to both recognize
achilles tendinopathy, athletes, Exercise, heel pain, orthotics, strengthening achilles tendinitis, achilles tendinopathy, orthotics
Customized foot orthotics based off a clinical examination, plaster or foam cast have been utilized for decades in order to
athletes, back and leg pain, imaging, low back pain, MRI, prevention, sports injuries athletes, low back pain, MRI, return to sport
We have previously written on low back pain and the dramatic rise in surgeries with this patient population, despite evidence
athletes, baseball, performance, softball, strengthening, Tennis baseball, softball, tennis, throwing velocity, weight training
A common question we receive from young throwers and their parents is how to improve throwing velocity safely without undue
Physical Therapy Exam listening, Physical Therapy examination, subjective history
William Osler, M.D., considered by many to be the father of modern medicine once said "listen to the patient he
back and leg pain, low back pain, Physical Therapy Exam low back pain, subjective history
Introduction Low back pain (LBP) is a common, disabling condition with both musculoskeletal and non musculoskeletal contributions. It has been
athletes, Exercise, prevention, running, sports injuries cramping, running, stretching
Hydration, electrolytes, salt and pickle water are all common internet solutions for muscle cramping.  These remedies are based off the
athletes, elbow pain, prevention, shoulder pain, sports injuries arm pain, baseball, sports injuries
In our practice, we commonly see adolescent baseball athletes suffering from shoulder and elbow injuries.  On average 1 in 2
ACL Injury, athletes, knee pain, sports injuries, treatment ACL injury, knee injury, sports injury, surgery
ACL sprains and complete tears are of the most common injuries we encounter at Mend Physical Therapy. Prior posts in our
athletes, Exercise, prevention, strengthening, stretching injury prevention, strengthening, stretching
In a prior blog posts we discussed the effects of stretching on fitness, performance and flexibility.  We are often prescribing
Arthritis, athletes, Exercise, knee arthritis, knee pain, strengthening, treatment exercise, knee arthritis, knee replacement
Previously we wrote about the positive impacts of exercise on the body's tissues.  The benefits of exercise is based on
athletes, Exercise, stretching exercise, pain, stretching
here are not many more controversial topics in the exercise science literature than stretching.  While most believe stretching is an
ACL Injury, athletes, Exercise, imaging, knee arthritis, sports injuries ACL injury, physical thearpy, sports injuries
Up to 250,000 athletes will sustain an ACL injury each year and the majority of these patients will require Physical
athletes, Physical Therapy Exam, prevention, running, sports injuries, triathlon athletes, endurance athletes, fms, injury risk
We have previously written about the functional movement screen (FMS) and its' ability to predict injury although more recent research has
athletes, Exercise, strengthening adolescents, children, safety, strength training
A common question we receive from parents is "when can my child start weight training".  This is a difficult question
achilles tendinopathy, athletes, Exercise, Physical Therapy Exam, prevention, sports injuries, treatment achilles tendinopathy, prevention, return to sport
In prior posts we described risk factors for an initial episode of achilles tendinopathy including muscle imbalances, calf weakness (concentric
achilles tendinopathy, athletes, imaging, MRI, Physical Therapy Exam, sports injuries achilles tendinopathy, imaging, manual therapy, MRI, physical thearpy, physical therapy
Our prior posts on tendon injuries have described the structural changes that take place with chronic symptomatic tendinopathies.  The disorganization
achilles tendinopathy, athletes, Exercise, heel pain, knee pain, patellofemoral pain, prevention, running, sports injuries, strengthening economic impact, injuries, running, sports injuries
Mend Physical Therapy has previously written on the prevention and treatment of running injuries  in multiple prior blog posts.   
athletes, Exercise, Physical Therapy Exam, prevention, running, strengthening, stretching, treatment boulder physical therapy, just one thing
October is American Physical Therapy Association's Physical Therapy Month.  During the month of October Mend Physical Therapy will be offering
athletes, Exercise, prevention, running, sports injuries, strengthening, stretching, triathlon dynamic warm up, prevention, sports injuries, stretching
In a previous post we highlighted the importance of a dynamic warm up to gradually increase cardiovascular work, improve mobility, decrease
athletes, Exercise, shoulder pain, sports injuries, strengthening, treatment efficiency, physical therapy, shoulder pain, treatment, treatmetn
The majority of patients undergoing treatment by a Physical Therapist will receive a home exercise program (HEP) based on their