
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

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athletes, Foot and Ankle Injuries, heel pain, running heel pain, plantar fasciitis, running
Plantar Fasciitis is a common overuse condition affecting many runners in Boulder.  Authors report it is the 3rd most common
ankle sprains, athletes, Foot and Ankle Injuries, football, prevention ankle sprain, football, physical therapy, prevention
Ankle sprains are one of the most common sports injuries and one of the most common we encounter at Mend Physical
knee pain, patellofemoral pain, performance, Sports Performance, strengthening knee pain, squatting, strengthening
The squat may be one of the best exercises for the development of strength and mobility through the lower quarter
athletes, performance, prevention, running, Sports Performance, triathlon ironman, performance, prevention, training, triathlon
As the triathlon off season carries forward into the Spring athletes should be focused on the evaluation, treatment, and/or prevention
Hip, Hip Injuries, hip osteoarthritis, imaging diagnostic imaging, hip osteoarthritis, hip pain
Often in Physical Therapy we are asked if an image would help in our diagnosis or treatment of a patient's
athletes, mountain biking, performance, Sports Performance mountain biking, tire size
The size of mountain bike wheels has undergone significant changes in the history of the sport.  Currently the traditional diameter
Arthritis, back and leg pain, Exercise, Injury Treament, knee arthritis, low back pain, prevention, treatment chronic pain, exercise, treatment
At Mend, we provide every patient with an individualized exercise program specific to their condition.   These programs are focused
ACL Injury, athletes, Exercise, Knee Injuries, knee pain, skiing injury, sports injuries, surgery ACL injury, physical therapy, rehabilitation, return to sport, skiing
In previous posts on ACL injuries we have discussed the rising incidence of knee injuries across multiple sports and events.  As
athletes, knee pain, prevention, running, Running Injuries gait retraining, IT band syndrome, knee pain, running
The iliotibial band is a long track of fascia and connective tissue running from the lateral hip muscles including the
Arm Injuries, athletes, Manual Therapy, shoulder pain, treatment manual therapy, shoulder pain, thoracic manipulation
Treatment of the thoracic spine utilizing joint mobilization or manipulation is a excellent treatment approach to accelerate the recovery of
Arthritis, athletes, Knee Injuries, knee pain, strengthening, stretching, treatment exercise, knee osteoarthritis, knee pain
Knee arthritis (knee OA) is the most common form of osteoarthritis and affects many individuals in middle to older age.  This condition
Back Injuries, low back pain, Manual Therapy, strengthening, treatment low back pain, physical therapy treatments, SI pain
BackgroundSacroiliac (SI) joint pain is an less common source of low back pain but has a higher incidence pregnant and
Arm Injuries, MRI, rotator cuff tear, shoulder pain, strengthening, treatment physical therapy, rotator cuff tear, shoulder pain, surgery
Despite having no symptoms, many of us will develop age-related changes in the musculoskeletal structures of our bodies, similar to
athletes, climbing, performance, sports injuries, Sports Performance climbing, injury risk, prevention
Rock climbing is one of the most popular outdoor sports in Boulder, Colorado.  Often these athletes present to our Physical
athletes, Exercise, prevention, running, Running Injuries, sports injuries injury, older adults, running
Runners older than 50 years old have shown the greatest increase in participation rates among long distance runners.  In a previous
athletes, back and leg pain, Exercise, low back pain, Physical Therapy, strengthening, treatment muscle imbalance, pain, strengthening
The majority of people with lower quarter pain or symptoms will demonstrate altered coordination and communication between the nervous system
foam roller, Injury Treament, performance, stretching, treatment foam roller, stretching
I would imagine the foam roller is slowly taking the place of the exercise ball as the most common piece
ankle sprains, athletes, Foot and Ankle Injuries, Manual Therapy, prevention, treatment ankle sprains, balance, ligament laxity, physical therapy
My approach to treating ankle sprains has changed dramatically since I began working with athletes in the late 1990s.  The
athletes, Exercise, performance, running, stretching dynamic warm up, performance, running
Our prior posts on dynamic warm ups have highlighted the benefits of these exercises on injury prevention and sports performance.
back and leg pain, knee arthritis, knee pain, low back pain, MRI knee pain, low back pain, MRI
Our imaging technologies have made tremendous improvements in their ability to detect abnormalities in our body.  These positive findings may
athletes, Exercise, prevention, strengthening, stretching eccentric exercise, flexibility, strengthening, stretching
Eccentric exericise, where our muscles contract and lengthen, is an essential part of any exercise program.  Its benefits of strength,
athletes, headaches, sports injuries concussion, physical therapy, treatment
Concussion recognition and management has improved dramatically over the last decade.  Coaches and Physical Therapists are able to both recognize
achilles tendinopathy, athletes, Exercise, heel pain, orthotics, strengthening achilles tendinitis, achilles tendinopathy, orthotics
Customized foot orthotics based off a clinical examination, plaster or foam cast have been utilized for decades in order to