
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

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athletes, Exercise, FAI, Hip, Manual Therapy, prevention, sports injuries, strengthening adolescents, hip pain, impingement, labral tear
Hip Pain associated with Impingement and Labral Tears Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI) is defined as the mechanical abutment of the
Exercise, headaches, Manual Therapy, treatment headaches, manual therapy, physical therapy
Headache BackgroundHeadaches cause nearly $31 billion in indirect costs annually in the US (10).Within patients with headaches, a cervicogenic source
cervical radiculopathy, Exercise, Manual Therapy, neck and arm pain, strengthening cervical radiculopathy, exercise, manual therapy, neck and arm pain, physical therapy
Cervical Radiculopathy Injuries and Symptoms Cervical radiculopathy occurs when a nerve from the neck becomes irritated or compressed by space occu-
ankle sprains, athletes, Exercise, Manual Therapy, prevention, sports injuries, strengthening ankle sprains, exercise, manual therapy, sports injuries
Ankle Sprain InjuriesAnkle sprains are one of the most common orthopedic injuries with an annual incidence of 7 sprains per
athletes, Exercise, prevention, running, sports injuries aerobic exercise, cardiovascular screening, heart disease
The Centers for Disease Control, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and American Heart Association recommend >5 days of week
achilles tendinopathy, Exercise, Manual Therapy, prevention, running, sports injuries, strengthening, stretching, treatment achilles tendinopathy, ankle, physical therapy, running injury, sports injury
Achilles Tendon ProblemsAchilles tendinopathy commonly occurs in runners and jumpers, with up to 50% experiencing the condition in their lifetime(1).Not