
Utilizing The Hangboard To Improve Your Rock Climbing

The World of Hangboard Somewhere along your jaunt down the nice wandering cobble set path of life you were unexpectedly jabbed by the climbing bug, its infectious poison penetrating all the way into your soul, leaving your mind consumed with the indomitable desire to get vertical. The only way you have found to cull the...

Lumbrical strains in rock climbers: how do they happen and how they can be treated

Climbing is a demanding sport that requires exceptional grip strength and finger dexterity. Because of this, climbers are at risk of developing finger injuries, including lumbrical strains, which can significantly affect their climbing ability. In this article, we will explore the biomechanics of lumbrical strain in climbing, its etiology, and management strategies. The lumbricals are...

Which fingers get loaded the most while climbing?

The fingers undergo a tremendous amount of force while rock climbing, particularly when crimping. But which fingers take the most force? A study by Vigouroux and colleagues used a biomechanical model to analyze the forces exerted on the fingers of climbers while they were attempting to exert maximal four-finger force in a crimp grip. The...

Does Finger Taping Improve Finger Strength In Climbers?

Finger taping is used frequently among climbers. Tape is used for a variety of reasons including protecting skin, supporting finger joints and connective tissue, and to decrease finger pain while climbing. Although many climbers swear by using tape, the effects of taping are not well researched and the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Some researchers...

Finger Pain in Rock Climbers

Fingers are the most commonly injured body part in climbers. Pain to the fingers can be generated by several different structures, making proper diagnosis particularly important for treatment. The most common diagnoses causing finger pain are pulley sprains, flexor tendon injuries, interphalangeal joint irritation, extensor mechanism injuries, and soft tissue injuries. Many factors affect the...