
What Exercises Should I Perform And When?

If you’ve been to physical therapy you may have asked yourself the question, what exercises do I do when to be the most productive with my time and effort? I often find myself having this conversation with patients in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics and I wanted to share a framework...

Brief Bouts Of Vigorous Exercise During Daily Activities Are Associated With Reduced Risk Of Death

Vigorous exercise has significant health benefits above and beyond the benefits seen with moderate level exercise. The U.S. surgeon general recommends adults complete between 150-300 minutes of moderate exercise or 75-150 minutes of vigorous exercise each week. While many of our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy patients reach these levels, the vast majority...

Getting More Out Of Your Workouts With Measuring Total Work

At a fundamental level, all forms of exercise are designed to improve the current state of the participant. In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice, we aim to effectively and efficiently prescribe exercise to meet each patient or client’s goals. A key element of any exercise program has to include progressively, increasing demands over time. Flexibility...

Many exercisers report weight control or weight loss as one of their main goals for performing a weekly exercise program. While exercise can produce a caloric deficit, especially when combined with a nutritional caloric deficit, our bodies have significant physiological mechanisms to avoid weight loss. For example, many participants will create a caloric deficit through...

Diabetes, commonly broken down into type I and type II based on the body’s ability to properly utilize insulin, affects over 400 million people worldwide. In our country, this chronic disease continues to become more prevalent with an estimated 10% of Americans being diagnosed with one of the two types of diabetes. Exercise remains one...

Interval cardiovascular training has been around at least since the 1930s when Swedish coaches introduced Fartlek training to their athletes. The alternating style of varying durations of high and low intensity exercise have been studied thoroughly in the research. One of the greatest strengths of interval training or high intensity interval training (HIIT) is its’...

The CDC estimates that 2 out of every 3 American adults are either overweight or obese. These added pounds carry significant health risks to the individual including higher rates of disease, including COVID, and early death. The main strategy for weight loss involves creating a caloric or energy deficit each day through increased exercise and/or...

Low back pain remains one of the top reasons patients seek treatment from physicians and Physical Therapists. Acute low back pain defined as lasting < 12 weeks is effectively treated by Physical Therapists with spinal manipulation, directional exercise, and strength training. Patient outcomes are significantly improved when patients are provided with treatments consistent with their...