
Using Strength Training To Improve Flexibility

Flexibility or mobility work can be a large part of any injured patient’s recovery at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics.  In contrast, in a healthy population flexibility training should be one of the last things you spend time on each week because of its’ limited impact on injury prevention, health, or...

Reducing Pain Through Exercise

Exercise provides numerous positive effects to the participant.  The majority of the mental, physical, and emotional benefits are provided to the consistent participant who meets national exercise guidelines each week.  In addition, there are many short term benefits that are provided to even single bouts of exercise.  For example, the mental health benefits of taking...

Measuring Your VO2 Max At Home

Cardiovascular disease remains the number 1 cause of mortality in both men and women.  Current disease markers of blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, and lifestyle are helpful, but less effective at predicting future disease risk compared to our aerobic fitness.  The gold standard for measuring an individual’s aerobic fitness is the VO2 max test. In research...

Which Body Weight Exercises Burn The Most Calories?

Getting a workout in at home and on the road can be a challenge due to lack of access to equipment, space, and/or outdoor weather conditions.  When these barriers to exercise are present we encourage participants to find unconventional forms of resistance, such as a backpack or bag, or choose from effective body weight exercises. ...

How much high intensity interval training (HIIT) do I need to improve my health?

High intensity interval training involves alternating between short duration bouts of vigorous and moderate intensities of exercise.  The cumulative total of these interval minutes at a vigorous level is often more than an individual could sustain at a sustained vigorous intensity.  Allowing the participant to obtain the health benefits of vigorous exercise without trying to...

How Can I Lose Weight During Menopause?

One of the most challenging populations for any exercise professional is women entering the perimenopausal or menopausal phases of life wishing to lose weight.  Weight changes during this period for women are common due primarily to changes in key hormones, estrogen and progesterone, and metabolic changes/slow downs due to aging.  Combined these changes can lead...

Utilizing Mental Focus To Get The Most Out Of Your Workout

Our brains can be our best or worst training partner.  In our previous blogs we have written about how our brains stop our workouts or sets short to conserve energy.  As part of our nervous system, our brains are actively involved in building strength with exercise.  In fact, in the first 6 weeks of training...

Is there a difference between working out on your own and with a coach?

Studies have found that training at higher intensities can be more beneficial for bone health and gaining strength than working at lower intensities (Watson et al. 2017; Refalo et al. 2021). But what about the difference between being supervised by a trained professional, like a physical therapist, and unsupervised with self-selected intensities? A study by...

Building Strength Vs. Building Hypertrophy

Studies show that individuals can build strength and muscle mass with similar training protocols. A recent review examined the difference between the two and found that training at higher intensities with heavier weights (greater than 60% of a 1 repetition maximum) can be more effective at building strength, while muscle mass can be built with...

Top 5 Tips For Losing Weight With Exercise

One of the top reasons participants start an exercise program is weight loss.  This goal is achievable with exercise but is much harder to accomplish compared to improved mobility, strength, or balance.  The difficulty of losing weight with exercise is also one of the leading reasons people quit their exercise programs after an initial 4-6...