
Unlocking Strength and Health: Why Grip Strength Matters for Women

By: Erica Tran, PT, DPT, OCS In the world of fitness and health, one often-overlooked measure of vitality is grip strength. While it might not seem like the most glamorous indicator, research shows that grip strength is a powerful predictor of overall health, particularly cardiovascular health and frailty. This is especially significant for women, including...

Which Body Weight Exercises Burn The Most Calories?

Getting a workout in at home and on the road can be a challenge due to lack of access to equipment, space, and/or outdoor weather conditions.  When these barriers to exercise are present we encourage participants to find unconventional forms of resistance, such as a backpack or bag, or choose from effective body weight exercises. ...

Overhead Mobility For The CrossFit Athlete

By Dr. Ian Nay, PT DPT OCS Getting a barbell into a proper overhead position for movements such as the snatch and overhead squat can be difficult for many athletes; I know I personally struggled with this early on in my CrossFit career. The techniques described here are some of the best and proven methods...

Headache Treatments For The Athlete And Office Worker

By Dr. Ian Nay, PT DPT OCS Overview Headaches are extremely common in our population, especially in athletes and people who spend a lot of time on the computer or phone. Examples of athletes who may have these symptoms are football lineman who are looking up constantly, cyclists, CrossFitters and weightlifters who perform overhead motions...

What Is The Best Predictor Of Longevity?

Quality of life and health span have joined lifespan as optimal goals for aging.  Lifespan describes living the years of your life at an optimal level of health and wellness vs. the gradual then steep decline that normally follows aging.  Losses in health span and normally associated with losses in physical independence. The low hanging...

What Are The Best Treatments For Achilles Tendon Pain?

Achilles tendon pain, previously called achilles tendinitis and now called achilles tendinopathy, is a common condition in both sedentary, active, and athletic populations.  Researchers estimate this condition will affect between up to 1 in 5 runners in their lifespan with the highest prevalence among all athletes found in ages younger than 45.  In our practice...

Reducing Your Risk Of Dementia

Researchers have estimated the incidence of dementia, and its’ most common form Alzheimer’s disease, will double approximately every 20 years.  The CDC estimates 4% of all adults over 65 years old and 13% of those 85 and older will be diagnosed with a form of dementia in their lifespans.  Thankfully, consistent with other chronic diseases...

How much high intensity interval training (HIIT) do I need to improve my health?

High intensity interval training involves alternating between short duration bouts of vigorous and moderate intensities of exercise.  The cumulative total of these interval minutes at a vigorous level is often more than an individual could sustain at a sustained vigorous intensity.  Allowing the participant to obtain the health benefits of vigorous exercise without trying to...