Exercise remains one of the most powerful interventions to improve your mental, emotional, and physical health. Specifically, aerobic exercise, when performed consistent with medical experts prescriptions, has been shown to effectively treat 26 chronic conditions and diagnoses. Despite the clinically and cost effective benefits of aerobic exercise 80% of Americans to not reach the CDC’s...
Patient’s with knee arthritis often experience pain with weight bearing activities including, standing, walking, stair climbing, and hiking. In our Physical Therapy practice, we find impairments of range of motion, gait deviations, balance, and strength within this patient population. In particular, weakness of the quadricep and hip musculature contributes to pain during weight bearing activities....
Knee tendinopathy, either in the quadriceps or patellar tendon, is a common source of knee pain among jumping athletes, but can occur in non jumping athletes or the general population as well. This overuse injury is caused by repetitive sub maximal loading of the knee through a bending range of motion. If the loading is...
70% of Americans will experience neck pain symptoms within their lifetimes. The vast majority of these symptoms are secondary to the musculoskeletal system and effectively treated by Physical Therapists. Patient’s who experience multiple episodes of neck pain or have experienced symptoms for a longer duration (> 3 months) often present with weakness in the cervical...
ACL injuries are one of the most common sports medicine injuries encountered in a Physical Therapy practice. These injuries can be treated successfully with either conservative or surgical interventions depending on the athlete’s presentation and athletic goals. In addition to the post injury management of these athletes, researchers and clinicians have also focused on reducing...
The squat, and its multiple variations, remains one the best overall exercises for strength and power development due to its’ ability to effectively target the important muscles of the lower quarter. We often utilize the squat in our Boulder Physical Therapy practice with injured patients as a method of facilitating optimal healing and recovery of...
Neck pain is an area consistently under treated by clinicians. There are countless passive temporary remedies for neck pain including massage, manipulation, and dry needling, but only high level exercise is able to reduce the long term effects of neck pain. When patients remain under passive care for their neck pain they will experience more...
The CDC reports 40% of American adults can be classified as obese. These individuals are at a significantly higher risk of chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Experts estimate medical costs for obesity and these chronic conditions tops 147 billion dollars each year. Researchers estimate this added weight contributes to up to...
Knee arthritis is one of the leading causes of disability and reduced activity in the United States. Physical Therapy interventions, including manual therapy and exercise, remain the foundation of conservative care for this diagnosis. When combined, manual therapy and exercise, have been shown to reduce pain, stiffness, weakness, and disability in patients with knee arthritis. ...