
Which Squat Variation Is Best?

Squats are an integral part of lower body strength training and Physical Therapy from injury or surgery. At our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we also place emphasis on the importance of squats in helping reduce lower extremity injury. This exercise remains one of the foundations of exercise programs because of its’...

Exercise Has Equivalent Effects On Pain And Function Compared To Anti Inflammatories For Hip And Knee Arthritis

Hip and knee osteoarthritis are some of the most common orthopedic conditions affecting middle to older aged adults. in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy offices we successfully treat these conditions with a combination of education, manual therapy, and exercise. Research has shown exercise remains one of the most effective interventions for patients...

What Exercises Should I Perform And When?

If you’ve been to physical therapy you may have asked yourself the question, what exercises do I do when to be the most productive with my time and effort? I often find myself having this conversation with patients in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics and I wanted to share a framework...

Strength Training Associated With Reduced Risk Of Death From Cardiac and Cancer Causes

Strength training is an essential part of treatments at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices. All patients regardless of injury, diagnosis, or ability level will perform a form of strength training to improve their performance or ability to perform the activities they enjoy. This valuable form of exercise continues to be studied...

Brief Bouts Of Vigorous Exercise During Daily Activities Are Associated With Reduced Risk Of Death

Vigorous exercise has significant health benefits above and beyond the benefits seen with moderate level exercise. The U.S. surgeon general recommends adults complete between 150-300 minutes of moderate exercise or 75-150 minutes of vigorous exercise each week. While many of our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy patients reach these levels, the vast majority...

Physical Therapy Prior To Knee Replacement Improves Outcomes After Surgery

Manual therapy and exercise remain the key conservative treatment interventions for patients with knee arthritis. In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we successfully treat knee pain and lost function associated with knee arthritis. In some individuals conservative interventions are not enough to improve function and they may elect to undergo a...

Top 5 Reasons Why Your My Exercise Program Is Not Working

Researchers estimate 1 in 5 adults will drop out of an exercise program. Time remains the most common reason for drop outs, but many participants state lack of improvement. This frustration is understandable given the individual’s commitment of time, energy, and money toward their health and fitness goals. The reasons for lack of improvement are...

5 Easy Ways To Reduce Chronic Pain

Chronic or persistent pain is defined by pain that extends beyond 12 weeks or the normal healing time for a given injury/diagnosis despite treatment. Our medical system does a great job treating new or acute pain, but has struggled to be as effective with patients dealing with chronic pain. It is estimated 1 in 4...