
What Are The Best Interventions For Stress Relief

Stress management is a critical skill for any individual including patients in our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices. Stress falls into a if not when category and when it impact our daily lives we need to look for constructive outlets. Common stress management strategies include talking to a friend/family member, exercise, sleep, journaling/prayer, and...

Physical Therapy Prior To Total Knee Replacement Improves Post Operative Recovery

Knee osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease world wide and one of the leading causes of disability. Thankfully this condition is successfully managed conservatively utilizing Physical Therapy interventions including manual therapy and exercise. Previous research has shown these Physical Therapy interventions can postpone or prevent the knee for knee replacement. In some cases, conservative...

Resistance Training Shown To Reduce Current And Future Muscular Pain

Exercise remains an essential intervention of any acute or chronic pain management program. The effects of aerobic exercise on pain reduction (analgesia) is well established and thought to occur through a multifactorial process involving positive neurological (peripheral nerves, spinal cord, and brain), as well as, immunological, and circulatory changes in the body. The analgesic effects...

What Are The Best Treatments For Patellofemoral Pain?

Patellofemoral Pain, or pain around the knee cap, is the most common source of knee pain. Although common, patellofemoral pain can lead to significant limitations in daily, occupational, and recreational activities. Left untreated, 50% of patients with patellofemoral pain report symptoms at a 5 year follow up. In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice we commonly...

Getting More Out Of Your Workouts With Measuring Total Work

At a fundamental level, all forms of exercise are designed to improve the current state of the participant. In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice, we aim to effectively and efficiently prescribe exercise to meet each patient or client’s goals. A key element of any exercise program has to include progressively, increasing demands over time. Flexibility...

Many exercisers report weight control or weight loss as one of their main goals for performing a weekly exercise program. While exercise can produce a caloric deficit, especially when combined with a nutritional caloric deficit, our bodies have significant physiological mechanisms to avoid weight loss. For example, many participants will create a caloric deficit through...

Patellar tendinopathy also known as “jumper’s knee” is one of the most common chronic knee injuries found in tennis and racquet sport athletes. Similar to other tendon injuries, patellar tendinopathy used to be referred to as a tendinitis but more recent research indicates a lack of inflammatory cells. Instead, an imbalance in loading (activity >...

The core is a collective group of spinal musculature critical for range of motion of the spine, stabilization of our trunk, and transmission of forces through the body. Given these functions it is not a surprise to see literature supporting Physical Therapy exercise prescription in order to improve sports performance, as well as, low back...