
How Can I Lose Weight During Menopause?

One of the most challenging populations for any exercise professional is women entering the perimenopausal or menopausal phases of life wishing to lose weight.  Weight changes during this period for women are common due primarily to changes in key hormones, estrogen and progesterone, and metabolic changes/slow downs due to aging.  Combined these changes can lead...

Are you doing your ‘Kegel’s’ but still leaking when you jump or run? Kegel’s aren’t enough! But you can read that rant here. Having leakage with jumping and running, whether newly postpartum, decades postpartum, or having never had a baby, has multiple factors contributing to it. First, surrounding muscle groups require adequate strength and symmetry...

“Kegel’s” have become a household word in our country. You’ll hear the term talked about between friends and recommended by many medical providers. While it is a win that a pelvic health topic has become so popular, it is now time for the Kegel to get out of the limelight. There is a lot to...

Postpartum runners potentially make up a large portion of community runners as most women participating in running events are of childbearing age. 35% of women returning to running after childbirth report running-related pain. In 2019, a group of international running experts developed guidelines for postpartum runners to safely and effectively return to running. This criteria...