
Low back pain is the second most common reason patients seek care from their primary care physician.  In addition, it is one of the most common reasons people seek care at our Boulder Physical Therapy practice.  Due to its’ high incidence in the population, low back pain has become a significant financial burden on our...

As healthcare costs continue to rise, all stakeholders (patients, providers, and payers) are looking for ways to reduce costs associated with common conditions.  In our field, we commonly see patients given generic, one size fits all exercise programs for common conditions including low back pain.  Our previous post highlights the limitations of this approach including...

Health care costs have continued to outpace inflation each year.  Our previous posts have detailed the cost savings associated with seeing a Physical Therapist for many musculoskeletal conditions.  In addition to saving health care expenses, Physical Therapy produces excellent outcomes for many musculoskeletal conditions.  A recent review article summarized the cost effectiveness of Physical Therapy...

Low back pain continues to affect many Americans leading to pain, loss of function, missed work days, and higher health care expenditures.  Much of this cost is attributed to the often unnecessary utilization of advanced imaging and procedures such as injections and surgery.  Previous research has shown early access to Physical Therapy without a prior...

Currently in the United States the majority of citizens can access their Physical Therapist without a prescription from their physician.  As shown in the map above, arbitrary restrictions on this access has been put in place through state legislatures with strong influences from special interest groups.  In Colorado, patients can access their Physical Therapist without...