
What Is The Best Form Of Exercise For Patients With Patellar Tendinopathy

Patellar tendinopathy is a painful condition along the tendon below the knee cap commonly diagnosed in jumping or bounding athletes.  In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we often encounter this diagnosis among patients who did too much too soon or too little for too long.  Tendons require consistent loading through exercise...

Reducing Knee Pain In Cyclists

Cycling is a very popular outdoor activity in Colorado and one of the most common reasons cyclists are seen at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics. Patellofemoral pain, or pain in the front of the knee, is the most commonly reported source of knee pain in cyclists. Cycling is typically thought of...

Skiing remains one of the most popular outdoor winter sports in Colorado. It is estimated over 6.8 million skiers participated in the sport over the recent winter season. There are inherent risks of death and injury in both skiing and snowboarding, but thankfully due to technological updates and innovations overall injuries have fallen by half...

Knee tendinopathy, either in the quadriceps or patellar tendon, is a common source of knee pain among jumping athletes, but can occur in non jumping athletes or the general population as well. This overuse injury is caused by repetitive sub maximal loading of the knee through a bending range of motion. If the loading is...

ACL injuries are one of the most common sports medicine injuries encountered in a Physical Therapy practice. These injuries can be treated successfully with either conservative or surgical interventions depending on the athlete’s presentation and athletic goals. In addition to the post injury management of these athletes, researchers and clinicians have also focused on reducing...

We have written previously about the high rates of subsequent knee injuries after an athlete returns to sport and activity after ACL surgery.  Interestingly, the most common site of injury is on the opposite knee indicating athlete’s are using a compensatory balance and coordination strategy during play.  Current research is working on developing physical therapy...

We written many blog posts on ACL injuries as they continue to be a risk to our youth and amateur athletes in Boulder County.  Thankfully, evidence shows we are able to screen athletes at risk for future injury as well as reduce their risk through Physical Therapy strength, balance, and conditioning programs.  Another group at...

ACL injuries  are becoming more common among both recreational and professional athletes.  The majority of these athletes who sustain complete tears of their ACL ligament will undergo ACL reconstruction and intensive post operative Physical Therapy.  Often, the ACL surgery is delayed after the injury to allow the athlete to regain their lost range of motion...

Knee arthritis is a common condition among older adults leading to increased knee pain and decreased participation in recreational and sporting activities.  A incorrect, but commonly held belief is exercise may lead to further arthritis or knee damage due to a “wear and tear” effect.  This outdated line of thought has been disproven by many research...