
Which Volume Of Running Is Associated With Improvements In Knee Cartilage Health?

Previous research has shown exercise has a protective effect on knee cartilage and the development of osteoarthritis.  Cartilage is a metabolic tissue dependent on loading and movement to improve its’ tissue health.  Authors have found both sedentary individuals and high frequency marathon runners to be at an increased risk of osteoarthritis, but importantly active individuals...

Cyclists Have Lower Risk Of Symptomatic Knee Arthritis

Research continues to be published highlighting the importance of exercise for the treatment and prevention of knee arthritis.  Our previous blogs have described active participants in weekly exercise have a lower risk of knee arthritis compared to their sedentary peers.  This latter group has the greatest risk of symptomatic knee arthritis due in part to...

Meniscal tears, either traumatic or degenerative in nature, are a common source of knee pain in patients presenting to our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics.  Degenerative tears most commonly observed in middle or older aged adults have become a recent topic of interest in the media and medical research.  Authors and researchers...

Will My Meniscal Tear Worsen If I Don’t Have Surgery?

The meniscus are found on the inside and outside of each knee.  They provide cushion and stability between the two bones joining at the knee.  A meniscal tear is one of the more common knee injuries and can occur with trauma such as compression and rotation (ex. cutting) or occur with aging.  The latter tear,...

Reducing Knee Pain In Cyclists

Cycling is a very popular outdoor activity in Colorado and one of the most common reasons cyclists are seen at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics. Patellofemoral pain, or pain in the front of the knee, is the most commonly reported source of knee pain in cyclists. Cycling is typically thought of...

Improving Knee Pain In Jumping Athletes

The knee is subjected to the biomechanics of the adjacent hip and ankle due to its’ location between two long bones lower extremity. These long levers can contribute significantly to a patient’s knee symptoms. In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy offices we commonly evaluate and treat the adjacent joints in the lower...