
Physical Therapy Prior To Knee Replacement Improves Outcomes After Surgery

Manual therapy and exercise remain the key conservative treatment interventions for patients with knee arthritis. In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we successfully treat knee pain and lost function associated with knee arthritis. In some individuals conservative interventions are not enough to improve function and they may elect to undergo a...

Physical Therapy Prior To Total Knee Replacement Improves Post Operative Recovery

Knee osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease world wide and one of the leading causes of disability. Thankfully this condition is successfully managed conservatively utilizing Physical Therapy interventions including manual therapy and exercise. Previous research has shown these Physical Therapy interventions can postpone or prevent the knee for knee replacement. In some cases, conservative...

What Are The Best Treatments For Patellofemoral Pain?

Patellofemoral Pain, or pain around the knee cap, is the most common source of knee pain. Although common, patellofemoral pain can lead to significant limitations in daily, occupational, and recreational activities. Left untreated, 50% of patients with patellofemoral pain report symptoms at a 5 year follow up. In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice we commonly...

Research Finds Little To No Clinical Benefit For Arthroscopic Surgery For Knee Arthritis Or Degenerative Meniscal Tears

Arthroscopic surgery remains a common procedure for patients with knee arthritis and degenerative meniscal tears despite medical evidence questioning its’ utilization. Previous research papers have not shown a clinically significant benefit for this procedure and some have shown it has not outperformed a placebo surgery for these conditions. The increasing evidence has led to medical...

Climbers with Knee Pain Should Receive Manual Physical Therapy to Improve Hip Strength

During the rehabilitation of rock climbers, many respond favorably to manual therapy techniques such as dry needling and joint mobilizations. Physical Therapy spinal and extremity joint mobilizations are slow passive movements applied to a patient’s joint surfaces. These interventions have been shown to decrease pain, improve range of motion, and increase the immediate force production...

Patellar tendinopathy, commonly known as “jumper’s knee,” is one of the most frequent chronic knee injuries in tennis and racquet sport athletes. The repetitive, high-impact nature of tennis—especially during sudden stops, lateral movements, and explosive jumps—places a lot of strain on the knees. This makes tennis players more susceptible to patellar tendinopathy.  Previously referred to...

Is It Safe To Play Sports With Knee Pain?

If you are an outdoor enthusiast, it is likely you have experienced knee pain at some point. Knee pain is common and affects nearly 25% of adults annually. As with most pain, it can set on acutely, due to a specific injury, or insidiously, due to changes in tissue structure or function over time. Pain...

Knee arthritis is a common diagnosis affecting both sedentary and active middle to older age adults. Patients presenting to our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics frequently report knee stiffness, pain, lost mobility, and weakness affecting both their daily and recreational activities. Physical Therapy including manual therapy and exercise remains the gold standard of treatment...