
Using Strength Training To Improve Flexibility

Flexibility or mobility work can be a large part of any injured patient’s recovery at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics.  In contrast, in a healthy population flexibility training should be one of the last things you spend time on each week because of its’ limited impact on injury prevention, health, or...

Overhead Mobility For The CrossFit Athlete

By Dr. Ian Nay, PT DPT OCS Getting a barbell into a proper overhead position for movements such as the snatch and overhead squat can be difficult for many athletes; I know I personally struggled with this early on in my CrossFit career. The techniques described here are some of the best and proven methods...

The Greatest Side Effect Of Stretching

In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we commonly prescribe mobility or stretching exercises to reduce pain and restore lost function.  Accelerating a patient’s return to the activities they enjoy.  When combined with other forms of exercise, in particular strength training, stretching is an effective method of restoring lost motion in joints...

Can Exercise Prevent Neck Pain?

Neck pain is one of the most common reasons Americans seek care from their primary care physician and Physical Therapist.  In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we commonly treat neck pain through manual therapy, patient education, and high level exercise.  Current medical research supports the utilization of manual therapy, including spinal...

Lack Of Hip Mobility Impacts Low Back Pain Symptoms

Do you have low back pain? At our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we often examine your hip mobility even though your low back is your area of complaint. Adjacent areas to the back, including the hip, can influence how we move and perform each day. A recent study investigated the relationship...

Lack Of Spine Mobility Increases Risk For Shoulder Injury

Overhead athletes rely on their thoracic spine’s mobility and stability to generate power and prevent injury. In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we examine the spine’s biomechanics and influence on patients with shoulder pain. Ruiz et al. (2020) reviewed the biomechanics of the thoracic spine in overhead sports and highlighted the...

Using Yoga To Reduce Low Back Pain

Chronic low back pain can be a debilitating condition and has the potential to affect anyone. In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice, Yoga can be a cost-effective way to help reduce low back pain. This is not just something that makes intuitive sense but has been demonstrated in rigorous scientific studies that provide hard numbers...

Do Floss Bands Improve Range Of Motion?

Most patients and clients in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics are looking to regain mobility. Lost range of motion can be due to a variety of factors including injury, surgery, muscle imbalances, and functional movement patterns. In addition to manual therapy, mobility exercises, and stretching Physical Therapists have looked to increase...

What Exercises Should I Perform And When?

If you’ve been to physical therapy you may have asked yourself the question, what exercises do I do when to be the most productive with my time and effort? I often find myself having this conversation with patients in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics and I wanted to share a framework...