
What are Bladder Norms?

Patients coming to pelvic health physical therapy often have abnormalities with the bladder or bowel habits. And often, if these habits have been around for a while, it is difficult for someone to know what is normal. So what is a ‘normal’ bladder like? Frequency -Voids aka peeing, should occur 5-8 times in 24 hours....

Urinary Urgency and Frequency: Study Links This to Weak Hips, Not a Weak Pelvic Floor

One common symptom treated in pelvic floor physical therapy in our Boulder and Lafayette clinics is urinary urgency and frequency. These symptoms can be due to a number of musculoskeletal or nervous system dysfunctions: hypertonic pelvic floor or abdominal muscles, irritated pudendal or genitofemoral nerves, a high sympathetic nervous system state, learned behavior, etc. Patients...

The brain, bladder, and pelvic floor are a system that need to work in harmony together. An issue with any of those regions in the system will affect the others regions and can lead to bladder dysfunction. Dysfunction may appear as: leaking before you make it to the toilet (urge incontinence), leaking during activity or...

6 Ways to Reduce Urge Related Urinary Incontinence By Berrin Boyce, PT, DPT, PRPC Urinary urge incontinence or leaking with a strong sense of urge is estimated to impact 20-30% of women. In clinical practice I frequently work with patients of all genders and ages who experience urge related incontinence that interferes with work, school,...

What’s considered “normal” when it comes to bladder health and urination? The following is some basic information I use to screen people for possible bladder dysfunction and help them better identify the habits that may be contributing to their urinary symptoms. It’s important to remember there is no exact set of normal bladder habits, but...

Overactive Bladder (OAB) is a group of symptoms, not a disease, that is associated with sudden and frequent urge to urinate. Urinary urge incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine associated with a sudden, overwhelming urge to urinate. The prevalence of urge incontinence in women is thought to be between 20-30%. Although it is less...