
Currently in the United States the majority of citizens can access their Physical Therapist without a prescription from their physician.  As shown in the map above, arbitrary restrictions on this access has been put in place through state legislatures with strong influences from special interest groups.  In Colorado, patients can access their Physical Therapist without...

Despite having no symptoms, many of us will develop age-related changes in the musculoskeletal structures of our bodies, similar to the aging effects on our skin. These findings are most prevalent on highly sensitive imaging techniques such as MRI and often lead to unnecessary and costly medical procedures. Our shoulders are also prone to development of age...

My approach to treating ankle sprains has changed dramatically since I began working with athletes in the late 1990s.  The PRICE (protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation) approach has been replaced with a clinically superior movement approach designed to reduce pain and facilitate a return to an exercise program.  The PRICE approach was effective to...

Concussion recognition and management has improved dramatically over the last decade.  Coaches and Physical Therapists are able to both recognize the signs and symptoms of concussion and direct the athlete to the appropriate health care treatment.  Without proper management concussions can have serious and deadly consequences for the nervous system and musculoskeletal system.  Lynall et...