
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

Previous research has documented no difference in long term outcomes between Physical Therapy and surgery for patients with rotator cuff tears.  Many patients with rotator cuff tears, including massive tears, do well with conservative treatment of their shoulder injuries demonstrating improvements in pain, strength, and function.  Strength training makes up the foundation of conservative care...

In our previous blog post we described how few (16%) partial rotator cuff tears progress over time.  Understanding the non progressive nature of the injury allows patients an opportunity to explore non surgical options including Physical Therapy.  In this study they followed partial rotator cuff tears over time, but a more recent study followed patients...

Posture has a controversial and complex role in musculoskeletal pain.  Some research studies have found zero to weak correlations between posture and pain while other studies have shown it can both impact pain and function.  One area of the body where posture may have a larger role is with shoulder function.  Individuals with limited mid...

Previous research has found no significant difference at either 1 or 2 year follow up between Physical Therapy or surgery for rotator cuff tears.  One disproven argument you may still hear against the conservative care of these tears is they may worsen over time including larger tear sizes or further movement of the torn ends...

Evidence demonstrates equal long term outcomes between Physical Therapy and surgery for non traumatic rotator cuff tears.  Patient’s most appropriate for surgical repair include patients with larger tears, greater disability and limitations with arm use, and those with a low expectation for recovery with conservative care.  Among those patients opting for surgical interventions up to...

Despite having no symptoms, many of us will develop age-related changes in the musculoskeletal structures of our bodies, similar to the aging effects on our skin. These findings are most prevalent on highly sensitive imaging techniques such as MRI and often lead to unnecessary and costly medical procedures. Our shoulders are also prone to development of age...